Stereo Microscopes

Leica Microsystems offers customized stereo microscopes for research, industry and education. Our macroscopes for industry, medicine and research offer exceptional optics and ultra convenient operation. Stereo microscopes and macroscopes from Leica enable you to view, analyze and document your specimens in two and three dimensions for any application.

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Contact us for expert advice on the right stereo microscope for your needs and budget.

The foundation of your lab and production site

Stereo microscopes are the workhorse of any lab or production site. Designed for a wide range of applications, by selecting the right stereo microscope, hours spent inspecting, observing, documenting, or dissecting samples, is key to long-lasting, satisfactory use.

Find out how easy it is to use Leica Stereomicroscopes

Leica's focus on ergonomics and modularity allows our stereo microscopes to adapt to their users for fatigue-free work while greatly enhancing productivity. Modular designs allow configurations for individual applications to increase efficiency and help maintain a high quality of work.

What is the application?

When deciding which Leica microscope solution will best suit your needs, it becomes important to determine what applications it will be needed for. Different applications make different demands of a stereo microscope. Thanks to the modular design of our stereo microscopes, we can provide a customized solution for different applications.

Which structures need to be observed, documented, or visualized?

Whether your priority is high resolution, depth of field, optical quality, Leica provides the solutions that will cover your needs. Integration with Leica DFC cameras and Leica Applications Suite allows for automation of routine tasks for consistent results and documentation.

What is the available budget for the microscope?

Modular solutions may look like a higher investment, but in the long run they will save money thanks to their versatility, ability to accommodate different users, and a large variety of add-ons and accessories.

How many different people need to use the microscope? How many hours will they work at the microscope?

When it comes to using the microscope for many hours, it is important to consider ergonomic accessories as they can prevent repetitive strain injuries. Depending on the number of different users, it is advisable to have a microscope which can be adjusted to the preference of each user.

For more information, please refer to:
Ergonomic Accessories for Stereo Microscopes

Routine Manual

Whether you need an entry-level solution or an advanced analysis and documentation package, Leica Microsystems provides ergonomically-designed manual stereo microscopes for routine tasks. This modulare product range can be customized to your needs with ergonomic accessories, special bases and extensive illumination options.

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The knowledge portal of Leica Microsystems offers scientific research and teaching material on the subjects of microscopy. The content is designed to support beginners, experienced practitioners and scientists alike in their everyday work and experiments.

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Frequently Asked Questions Stereo Microscopes

Show answer Do I need a computer to operate a stereo microscope with a camera?

No, you do not. By installing a Flexacam c5 or Flexacam i5 camera with embedded Enersight On-Screen Display (OSD) software on your stereo microscope, you can acquire images, record videos, do basic measurements, apply overlays, annotate live images, and share images with one-click or save them on an IT network server or USB stick. Also, you can use the Ivesta 3 (Integrated camera) Greenough stereo microscope with the same embedded Enersight OSD software. Alternatively, stereo microscopes with a Flexacam can be operated with the Enersight Mobile App software, available in App Stores, allowing you to control the camera, hence you benefit from the same set of features via your mobile device. 

Show answer Which PC software is compatible with a stereo microscope using a camera?

By installing various cameras on stereo microscopes or with Ivesta 3 (Integrated camera), you can use two software on your PC: Enersight Desktop and LAS X depending on your needs and applications. Both softwares are Windows compatible. 

Show answer Are there any mobile solutions for learning, inspection, and sharing?

Enersight Mobile App, which is available in the Apple AppStore and Google Play for smartphones and tablets, allows the user to acquire images, record videos, do basic measurements, apply overlays, and immediately share images and videos. The app is available for Android and iOS and free of charge.

Show answer What kinds of modular accessories are available to extend the range of use of my microscope?

There are a lot of accessories. Please get in contact with your local Leica sales representative.

Show answer How are ergonomic accessories designed to reduce repetitive strain injuries during long working hours?

There are a lot of ergonomic accessories for our products. Please contact your local Leica sales representative for more details or visit: Ergonomic Accessories for Stereo Microscopes

Show answer I need to quickly document and share results with team members. What is the best solution you can recommend?

You can install a Flexacam c5 or Flexacam i5 (Stereo) camera with the embedded software, Enersight, onto your stereo microscope and start operating it in the on-screen display (OSD) mode. Enersight OSD allows you to directly save images on an IT network server or USB thumb drive. You can also send the images via e-mail without a need to use a computer. Alternatively, you can choose the Ivesta 3 (Integrated camera) Greenough stereo microscope with integrated camera that has the same embedded Enersight OSD software, allowing you to save images and share them via email.

Show answer I am trying to optimize my workflow. Is the Ivesta 3 stereo microscope my best option?

It is certainly a good solution. If a greater range of magnification values is required, all our high-end M series stereo microscopes, such as the M205, can be equipped with a Flexacam c5 or Flexacam i5 (Stereo) camera for documenting and sharing results.

Show answer Can a single stereo microscope be used by multiple users? Which Leica solution allows the setup of individual user preferences?

Using Ivesta 3 (Integrated camera) or any stereo microscope equipped with a Flexacam c5 or Flexacam i5 (Stereo) camera offers user-management functionalities with a possibility to create multiple individual-user accounts, customize the user interface, and limit access to various Enersight functionalities. These functionalities are available with Enersight On-Screen Display (embedded software of microscope cameras) and Enersight Desktop (PC-based software).

Show answer What type of accessories does my microscope come with? What will I need to purchase separately?

Leica microscopes are modular and shipped in the configuration that best fits your stated needs or application. In case your needs change later, you can always upgrade your workstation by adding available accessories.

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Semiconductor Inspection

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