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Leica EM TP Automated Tissue Processor

For EM and LM
Resin Processing

Ensure the ultrastructures of your tissue samples can be precisely compared every time by preparing them with the EM TP tissue processor. ​With the EM TP you can be confident that tissue differences between samples observed with your light microscope (LM) or electron microscope (EM) are not caused by inconsistent manual preparation. The EM TP limits manual handling by at least 75% due to programmable, automatic processing of multiple samples. ​

Not only are samples in the same batch identically prepared, but the intuitive software also enables simple programming and reloading of entire protocols for reproducibility across batches. Additionally, the EM TP gives you the flexibility to stack various sizes of sample baskets so you can process different tissue types in one run.​

Your benefits when working with the EM TP Tissue Processor:​

  • Eliminate inconsistencies that could be caused by manual sample preparation​
  • Ensure reproducibility across batches ​
  • Process different tissue types in one run​
  • Maintain environmental conditions

For research use only


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Automated Routine Tissue Processor Leica EM TP

Only correctly prepared tissues provide useful microscopic information. Our tissue processor reduces the risk of inappropriate handling by automation as well as increasing efficiency. With minimal user interaction and an automated process, you can reproduce the process at any time.

The innovative Leica EM TP is the first tissue processor designed for EM and LM resin processing, that features a heating/cooling system with pre-heat and pre-cool capabilities to maintain a constant processing temperature. It includes an easy-to-operate membrane control panel. The sample carousel holds 24 EM or 12 LM vials and utilizes various specialized baskets and capsules. An exhaust system supports safer use of toxic substances.

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