News Archive

New Ivesta 3 stereo microscopes and Flexacam cameras extend Enersight- software-based portfolio.

14 June 2023, Wetzlar, Germany – Leica Microsystems, a leader in microscopy and scientific instrumentation, today announced that its President, Dr…

Autonomous Microscopy powered by Aivia enables scientists to discover more by extracting the most relevant data from their experiments.

The Red Dot Design Award is an internationally renowned design competition that rewards outstanding design quality and innovation.

Digital Transmitted Light Microscope Mateo TL

Effortless cell culture checks and reproducibility in every lab

Jon Daniels, Senior Engineer at Applied Scientific Instrumentation and Florian Fahrbach, Open Innovation Specialist at Leica Microsystems pictured at the Cell Bio 2022
Normal colon iteratively stained with over 30 CST antibodies using the Cell DIVE multiplexed imaging solution.

Join us on November, 9th! In this episode of MicaCam, we will use microfluidics to explore the effect of shear stress on cell morphology, examine the…

From October, 19th! In this episode, we showed how adding additional markers to an apoptosis kit can markedly increase the amount of information a…

Unified user interface for QC community takes inspection mobile

Deep learning cell segmentation algorithm incorporated into Aivia 11 update

VIDEO ON DEMAND from June, 29th! In this edition of MicaCam our special guest George Galea from EMBL Heidelberg looked at HeLa Kyoto cells treated…

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