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Leica Microsystems Donate an Advanced Microscopy System to Charité’s Institute of Virology to Progress Covid-19 Research
Wetzlar and Berlin, May 2020. — Leica Microsystems is pleased to announce the donation of a THUNDER 3D Live Cell imaging system to the Institute of…
Remote Product Demos Live from the Medical Headquarters in Heerbrugg, CH
Register now for an easy personal demo of any Leica surgical microscope. Whatever the times, we are there for you, whether on site or online. The…
STELLARIS - #ConfocalReImagined
We have re-imagined confocal imaging. See the World Premiere of our new Confocal Platform.
Behind the scenes at Leica Microsystems’ Medical Division in Heerbrugg Switzerland
Interview about the rise of surgical microscopes for use in