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EMBL Course: Fluorescence Imaging Beyond Intensity

10-14 June 2023, Heidelberg, Germany – the course focusing on fluorescence lifetime-based readouts organized with the EMBL Imaging Centre gathered twenty participants from different countries and backgrounds. They learned how lifetime-based information can provide new insights to biological applications.

Our speakers and trainers taught the participants in extensive practical sessions, presenting their latest developments around fluorescence lifetime and bringing a broad range of exciting samples to the course. Among our experts, we can mention Marie Erard (Université Paris-Saclay, France), Dorus Gadella (Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences, The Netherlands), Mariano Gonzalez Pisfil (Biomedical Center Munich – LMU Munich, Germany), Elizabeth Hinde (University of Melbourne, Australia), Kees Jalink (The Netherlands Cancer Institute, The Netherlands), Kai Johnsson (Max Planck Institute for Medical Research, Germany) and Sergi Padilla-Parra (King’s College London, UK), to name just a few.   

Topics covered

  • The basics of fluorescence lifetime and the additional dimension it can provide to imaging experiments  
  • Measuring protein-protein interactions 
  • Environmental sensing with FRET-based and non-FRET-based biosensors 
  • Using fluorescence lifetime for multiplexing 
  • Increasing the resolution with TauSTED on STELLARIS 8 STED FALCON
  • Understand the basis of endogenous fluorescence (in particular in tissue and animal models) and how fluorescence lifetime can help to exploit or cope with their signals, e.g. by combining multiphoton imaging and endogenous lifetime information to study metabolic changes on STELLARIS 8 DIVE FALCON
  • Sessions at the microscopes to allow all participants to practice using lifetime imaging in exemplary workflows 
  • Analysis of the lifetime-based information and applicative conclusions 

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