EM ICE demonstrated during the course by Andreia Pinto EM ICE demonstrated during the course by Andreia Pinto

EMBO Practical Course - In situ CLEM at room temperature and in cryo

The EMBO (European Molecular Biology Organization) practical course took place between the 12th and the 17th of February 2023. It covered all steps of high precision CLEM (Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy) – including cryogenic sample preparation, ultramicroscopy, image registration and electron tomography.

CLEM is a correlative method that enables the localization of fluorescent proteins with high accuracy at the ultrastructural level. During the course, the participants had plenty of opportunity to discuss and troubleshoot their research with CLEM experts and Leica Advanced Workflow Specialists.

The Leica specialists at the EMBL Imaging Centre, Andreia Pinto, Martin Fritsch and Robert Kirmse, supported the event with practical and theoretical introductions in Electron Microscopy sample preparation and Light microscopy imaging, put in context of both our solutions for CLEM - Coral Life and Coral Cryo.

The following Leica solutions were used during the CLEM course

  • High-pressure freezer EM ICE equipped with the live cell CLEM kit as part of the Coral life workflow, participants were also introduced to the Light and Electrical stimulation workflows
  • THUNDER Imager Live Cell integrated with the Coral Life workflow
  • STELLARIS 5 Cryo as part of the Coral Cryo workflow
  • STELLARIS confocal imaging platform for in-resin block imaging
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