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From Bench to Beam: A Complete Correlative Cryo Light Microscopy Workflow
In the webinar entitled "A Multimodal Vitreous Crusade, a Cryo Correlative Workflow from Bench to Beam" a team of experts discusses the exciting world of correlative workflows for structural biology…

How to Automatically Obtain Fluorescent Cells of Interest in a Block-face
Block-face created by automatic trimming under fluorescence.
Mammalian cells of interest, stained with CellTrackerTM Green are visualized within the block-face using the UC Enuity equipped with the…

Improve Your Ultramicrotomy Workflow with Automated Sectioning
Discover advanced digital ultramicrotomy tools for fast and accurate automated sectioning. Learn about autoalignment, and efficient sample trimming leveraging 3D µCT data. See application examples…

Workflow Solutions for Sample Preparation Methods for Material Science
This brochure presents and explains appropriate workflow solutions for the most frequently required sample preparation methods for material science samples.

Automatic Alignment of Sample and Knife for High Sectioning Quality
Automatic alignment of sample and knife on the ultramicrotome UC Enuity, enabling even untrained users to create ultrathin sections with reduced risk of losing precious sections.

High Quality Sectioning in Ultramicrotomy
Discover the significance of achieving high-quality uniform sections with ultramicrotomy for precise imaging in electron microscopy.

Five Inverted-Microscope Advantages for Industrial Applications
With inverted microscopes, you look at samples from below since their optics are placed under the sample, with upright microscopes you look at samples from above. Traditionally, inverted microscopes…

Structural and Chemical Analysis of IC-Chip Cross Sections
This article shows how electronic IC-chip cross sections can be efficiently and reliably prepared and then analyzed, both visually and chemically at the microscale, with the EM TXP and DM6 M LIBS…

Hochwertige EBSD-Probenvorbereitung
Es wird eine zuverlässige und effiziente EBSD-Probenvorbereitung von „gemischten“ kristallografischen Materialien mit Ionenbreitstrahlfräsen beschrieben. Das beschriebene Verfahren erzeugt…