Abrahamson Pediatric Eye Institute, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center

"Das Abrahamson Pediatric Eye Institute (APEI), das in der Abteilung für Augenheilkunde am Cincinnati Children's angesiedelt ist, wurde 1995 von dem Cincinnati-Augenarzt und Philanthropen Ira Abrahamson, MD, gegründet. Er rief die APEI mit dem Ziel ins Leben, vermeidbare Erblindungen bei Kindern zu beseitigen. - vom Abrahamson Pediatric Eye Institute (APEI) 


Fundus photo depicting epiretinal membrane with lamellar macular hole. Image courtesy of Robert A. Sisk, MD, FACS, Cincinnati Eye Institute.

Improve Macular Hole Surgery with Optical Coherence Tomography

A case study on the use of intraoperative OCT during macular hole surgery for pediatric lamellar macular hole repair and how it provides valuable real-time information.
Diffuse retinal degeneration with relative macular sparing.

Ophthalmic Gene Therapy Subretinal Injection

Case study on the use of intraoperative OCT for Leber congenital amaurosis macular repair and ophthalmic gene therapy subretinal injection.
Completed Bleb, courtesy of Robert A. Sisk, MD, FACS, Cincinnati Eye Institute.

Intraoperative OCT-Assisted Gene Therapy

Gene augmentation therapy is a method of ocular gene transfer for autosomal recessive or X-linked retinal dystrophies when there is insufficient functional protein manifesting as genetic disease.…
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