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Following Multiple Events during Staurosporine Apoptosis
In this video on demand, we show how adding additional markers to an apoptosis kit can markedly increase the amount of information a researcher can obtain from the same experiment. The simultaneous…
Deep Visual Proteomics Provides Precise Spatial Proteomic Information
Despite the availability of imaging methods and mass spectroscopy for spatial proteomics, a key challenge that remains is correlating images with single-cell resolution to protein-abundance…
RNA Quality after Different Tissue Sample Preparation
The influence of sample preparation and ultraviolet (UV) laser microdissection (UV LMD) on the quality of RNA from murine-brain tissue cryo-sections is described in this article. To obtain good…
Digitalisierung in der neurochirurgischen Planung und bei Eingriffen
Erfahren Sie mehr über Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality und Mixed Reality in der Neurochirurgie und wie sie dazu beitragen können, Herausforderungen zu meistern.
Augmented Reality Assisted Navigation in Neuro-Oncological Surgery
In neuro-oncological surgery, new technologies such as Augmented Reality are helping to improve surgical precision enabling a precise trajectory, conformational resection, the absence of collateral…
Factors to Consider for a Cleanliness Analysis Solution
Choosing the right cleanliness analysis solution is important for optimal quality control. This article discusses the important factors that should be taken into account to find the solution that best…
New Imaging Tools for Cryo-Light Microscopy
New cryo-light microscopy techniques like LIGHTNING and TauSense fluorescence lifetime-based tools reveal structures for cryo-electron microscopy.
Leitfaden zur Fluoreszenzlebensdauer-Imaging-Mikroskopie (FLIM)
Die Fluoreszenzlebensdauer ist ein Maß dafür, wie lange ein Fluorophor im Durchschnitt in seinem angeregten Zustand verbleibt, bevor er durch Aussendung eines Fluoreszenzphotons in den Grundzustand…
H&E Staining in Microscopy
If we consider the role of microscopy in pathologists’ daily routines, we often think of the diagnosis. While microscopes indeed play a crucial role at this stage of the pathology lab workflow, they…