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Was ist FRET mit FLIM (FLIM-FRET)?
Der Beitrag erläutert die FLIM-FRET-Methode, die Resonanzenergietransfer und Fluoreszenz-Lebensdauer-Imaging zur Untersuchung von Protein-Protein Wechselwirkungen kombiniert.
Microscopic Defects in Electroplating
This free on-demand webinar shows how to identify quickly root causes of defects during electroplating of components with optical microscopy and LIBS (laser spectroscopy).
Insights into Vesicle Trafficking
STELLARIS provides integral access to complementary layers of information for dynamic, structural, and mechanistic insights into vesicle trafficking.
Visualizing Protein-Protein Interactions by Non-Fitting and Easy FRET-FLIM Approaches
The Webinar with Dr. Sergi Padilla-Parra is about visualizing protein-protein interaction. He gives insight into non-fitting and easy FRET-FLIM approaches.
How to Perform Dynamic Multicolor Time-Lapse Imaging
Live-cell imaging sheds light on diverse cellular events. As many of these events have fast dynamics, the microscope imaging system must be fast enough to record every detail. One major advantage of…
Multiplexing through Spectral Separation of 11 Colors
Fluorescence microscopy is a fundamental tool for life science research that has evolved and matured together with the development of multicolor labeling strategies in cells tissues and model…
3 Factors Determine the Damage Potential of Particles
This article discusses the 3 factors for determining the potential of a particle to cause damage to parts and components in the automotive and electronic industry. These factors include the…
Skull Base Neurosurgery: Epidural Lateral Approaches
Surgery of skull base tumors and diseases, such as cavernomas, epidermoid cysts, meningiomas and schwannomas, can be quite complex. During the Leica 2021 Neurovisualization Summit, a unique event…
Studying Ocular Birth Defects
This article discusses how lens formation and ocular birth defects can be studied with sharp widefield microscopy images which are acquired rapidly. The mouse ocular lens is used as a model to study…