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What is a Tandem Scanner?
A Tandem Scanner is an assembly of two different types of scanning together in one system for true confocal point scanning. The Tandem Scanner consists of a three-mirror scanning base with the…
Using Mounting Frames for Light Sheet Sample Preparation
Sample handling is an important topic in the context of Light Sheet Microscopy. The TCS SP8 DLS integrates Light Sheet technology into an inverted confocal platform and can hence make use of general…
How to improve your DNA Mutation Analysis Workflow with Laser Microdissection
DNA mutations lead to abnormal proteins or missing functional proteins, which can cause cells to multiply uncontrollably and become cancerous. To find and understand the underlying mutation for a…
Using a Rotation Device for Light Sheet Sample Mounting
The TCS SP8 DLS from Leica Microsystems is an innovative concept to integrate the Light Sheet Microscopy technology into the confocal microscope. Due to its unique optical architecture samples can be…
Expanding the Limits of Electron Microscopy Sample Preparation
Capturing the intricate changes in fine structure or in cell dynamics with conventional cryo solutions can be challenging sometimes. Leica Microsystems has developed a new cryo platform, the Leica EM…
See More Than Just Your Image
Despite the emergence of new imaging methods in recent years, true 3D resolution is still achieved by Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy (CLSM). Through a combination of novel, extremely fast scanning…
DIVE Multiphoton Microscope Image Gallery
Today’s life science research focusses on complex biological processes, such as the causes of cancer and other human diseases. A deep look into tissues and living specimens is vital to understanding…
Live Cell Isolation by Laser Microdissection
Laser microdissection is a tool for the isolation of homogenous cell populations from their native niches in tissues to downstream molecular assays. Beside its routine use for fixed tissue sections,…
High Resolution Array Tomography with Automated Serial Sectioning
The optimization of high resolution, 3-dimensional (3D), sub-cellular structure analysis with array tomography using an automated serial sectioning solution, achieving a high section density on the…