Science Lab

Science Lab

Science Lab

Das Wissensportal von Leica Microsystems bietet Ihnen Wissens- und Lehrmaterial zu den Themen der Mikroskopie. Die Inhalte sind so konzipiert, dass sie Einsteiger, erfahrene Praktiker und Wissenschaftler gleichermaßen bei ihrem alltäglichen Vorgehen und Experimenten unterstützen. Entdecken Sie interaktive Tutorials und Anwendungsberichte, erfahren Sie mehr über die Grundlagen der Mikroskopie und High-End-Technologien - werden Sie Teil der Science Lab Community und teilen Sie Ihr Wissen!
Infinity port

Infinity Optical Systems

“Infinity Optics” refers to the concept of a beam path with parallel rays between the objective and the tube lens of a microscope. Flat optical components can be brought into this “Infinity Space”…

Imaging of Host Cell-bacteria Interactions using Correlative Microscopy under Cryo-conditions

Pathogenic bacteria have developed intriguing strategies to establish and promote infections in their respective hosts. Most bacterial pathogens initiate infectious diseases by adhering to host cells…

Life Science Imaging with DVM6 Digital Microscope

Digital microscopes can be a great help in life science applications such as the documentation in botany, entomology studies and crop science, or the digitization of museum collections. The image…
Proveo lightbeam

Cataract Surgery with CoAx4 Illumination

A stable red reflex is one of the most important features of an ophthalmic surgical microscope for cataract surgery. It’s the red reflex that makes the structure of the lens visible and thus makes for…
A 17th-century compound microscope (© Golub Collection – University of California, Berkeley/Steven Ruzin, Curator)

A Brief History of Light Microscopy

The history of microscopy begins in the Middle Ages. As far back as the 11th century, plano-convex lenses made of polished beryl were used in the Arab world as reading stones to magnify manuscripts.…

Vom Licht zur Erleuchtung: Sensoren und Messverfahren in der konfokalen Mikroskopie

In diesem Beitrag werden die wichtigsten Sensoren kurz vorgestellt, die in der konfokalen Mikroskopie verwendet werden. Mit konfokaler Mikroskopie ist hier „True Confo-cal Scanning“ gemeint, also das…

Workflows & Protocols: How to Use a Leica Laser Microdissection System and Qiagen Kits for Successful RNA Analysis

Laser Microdissection (LMD) allows isolating individual cells or chromosomes and is a well established technique for sample preparation prior downstream analysis of the nucleic acid content via PCR or…
Watch imaged with DMS300.

What You Always Wanted to Know About Digital Microscopy, but Never Got Around to Asking

Digital microscopy is one of the buzz words in microscopy – and there are a couple of facts that are useful to know. Georg Schlaffer, Product Manager with Leica Microsystems, has often been asked…
Schematic graph of the light path in a Spalt-Ultramikroskop.

Confocal and Light Sheet Imaging

Optical imaging instrumentation can magnify tiny objects, zoom in on distant stars and reveal details that are invisible to the naked eye. But it notoriously suffers from an annoying problem: the…
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