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The Cryo-CLEM Journey
This article describes the Cryo-CLEM technology and the benefits it can provide for scientists. Additionally, some scientific publications are highlighted.
Recent developments in cryo electron…
Optimizing THUNDER Platform for High-Content Slide Scanning
With rising demand for full-tissue imaging and the need for FL signal quantitation in diverse biological specimens, the limits on HC imaging technology are tested, while user trainability and…
Physiology Image Gallery
Physiology is about the processes and functions within a living organism. Research in physiology focuses on the activities and functions of an organism’s organs, tissues, or cells, including the…
Neuroscience Images
Neuroscience commonly uses microscopy to study the nervous system’s function and understand neurodegenerative diseases.
Developmental Biology Image Gallery
Developmental biology explores the development of complex organisms from the embryo to adulthood to understand in detail the origins of disease. This category of the gallery shows images about…
Putting Dynamic Live Cell Data into the Ultrastructural Context
With workflow Coral Life, searching for a needle in the haystack is a thing of the past. Take advantage of correlative light and electron microscopy to identify directly the right cell at the right…
Download The Guide to Live Cell Imaging
In life science research, live cell imaging is an indispensable tool to visualize cells in a state as in vivo as possible. This E-book reviews a wide range of important considerations to take to…
Studying Cell Division
Cell division is a biological process during which all cellular components must be distributed among the daughter cells. The division process requires firm coordination for success. Microscopy is…
The Power of Pairing Adaptive Deconvolution with Computational Clearing
Learn how deconvolution allows you to overcome losses in image resolution and contrast in widefield fluorescence microscopy due to the wave nature of light and the diffraction of light by optical…