Science Lab
Science Lab
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Mapping the Landscape of Colorectal Adenocarcinoma with Imaging and AI
Discover deep insights in colon adenocarcinoma and other immuno-oncology realms through the potent combination of multiplexed imaging of Cell DIVE and Aivia AI-based image analysis
Spatial Architecture of Tumor and Immune Cells in Tumor Tissues
Dig deep into the spatial biology of cancer progression and mouse immune-oncology in this poster, and learn how tumor metabolism can effect immune cell function.
Fast, High Acuity Imaging and AI-assisted Analysis
The use of state-of-the-art AI systems is pushing image analysis into a new generation. Challenges like the conflict between imaging power and sample integrity are being overcome with THUNDER’s…
Create New Options for Live Cell Imaging
The use of state-of-the-art AI systems is pushing image analysis into a new generation. Challenges like the conflict between imaging power and sample integrity are being overcome with THUNDER’s…
Accurately Analyze Fluorescent Widefield Images
The specificity of fluorescence microscopy allows researchers to accurately observe and analyze biological processes and structures quickly and easily, even when using thick or large samples. However,…
Save Time and Effort with AI-assisted Fluorescence Image Analysis
The powerful synergy of THUNDER and Aivia analyze fluorescence images with greater accuracy, even when using low light excitation.