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Crystal Clear Cryo Light-microscopy Images
This article describes how computational clearing of cryo light microscopy images improves the identification of cellular targets for cryo electron-microscopy.
Microscopy in Virology
The coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, causing the Covid-19 disease effects our world in all aspects. Research to find immunization and treatment methods, in other words to fight this virus, gained highest…
Improve Cryo Electron Tomography Workflow
Leica Microsystems and Thermo Fisher Scientific have collaborated to create a fully integrated cryo-tomography workflow that responds to these research needs: Reveal cellular mechanisms at…
Imaging of Host Cell-bacteria Interactions using Correlative Microscopy under Cryo-conditions
Pathogenic bacteria have developed intriguing strategies to establish and promote infections in their respective hosts. Most bacterial pathogens initiate infectious diseases by adhering to host cells…