Science Lab

Science Lab

Science Lab

Das Wissensportal von Leica Microsystems bietet Ihnen Wissens- und Lehrmaterial zu den Themen der Mikroskopie. Die Inhalte sind so konzipiert, dass sie Einsteiger, erfahrene Praktiker und Wissenschaftler gleichermaßen bei ihrem alltäglichen Vorgehen und Experimenten unterstützen. Entdecken Sie interaktive Tutorials und Anwendungsberichte, erfahren Sie mehr über die Grundlagen der Mikroskopie und High-End-Technologien - werden Sie Teil der Science Lab Community und teilen Sie Ihr Wissen!

Visualization of DNA Molecules

Precise low angle rotary shadowing with heavy metals (like platinum) can be used in transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to observe molecular details of objects previously absorbed on a thin, low…

Practical Applications of Broad Ion Beam Milling

Mechanical polishing can be time consuming and frustrating. It can also introduce unwanted artifacts when preparing cross-sectioned samples for electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) in the scanning…

Bacteria Protocol - Critical Point Drying of E. coli for SEM

Application Note for Leica EM CPD300 - Critical point drying of E. coli with subsequent platinum / palladium coating and SEM analysis. Sample was inserted into a filter disc (Pore size: 16 - 40 μm)…
Mouse liver (immersion fixed)

Epoxy Resin Embedding of Animal and Human Tissues for Pathological Diagnosis and Research

Application Note for Leica EM AMW - The tissues were fixed in the modified Karnovsky fixative generally by immersion overnight (at minimum 4h at room temperature). Then pieces of approx. 1mm3 were cut…

Human Blood Cells Protocol

Application Note for Leica EM CPD300 - Life Science Research. Species: Human (Homo sapiens) Critical point drying of human blood with subsequent platinum / palladium coating and SEM analysis.

Improvement of Metallic Thin Films for HR-SEM by Using DC Magnetron Sputter Coater

Preparation techniques, like several kinds of coating methods play an important role for high resolution scanning electron microscopy (HR-SEM). Nonconductive sample like biological and synthetic…

Immersion Freezing for Cryo-Transmission Electron Microscopy: Applications

A well established usage case for cryo-TEM is three-dimensional reconstruction of isolated macromolecules, virus particles, or filaments. On one hand, these approaches are based on averaging of…

Immersion Freezing for Cryo-Transmission Electron Microscopy: Fundamentals

The high vacuum required in a transmission electron microscope (TEM) greatly impairs the ability to study specimens naturally occurring in an aqueous phase: exposing "wet" specimens to a pressure…

Video Tutorials: Filling and Assembling of Different Carriers for High-Pressure Freezing

High pressure freezing (HPF) is a cryo-fixation method primarily for biological samples, but also for a variety of non-biological materials. It is a technique that yields optimal preservation in many…
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