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How to Streamline Your Histology Workflows
Streamline your histology workflows. The unique Fluosync detection method embedded into Mica enables high-res RGB color imaging in one shot.

FluoSync - a Fast & Gentle Method for Unmixing Multicolor Images
In this white paper, we focus on a fast and reliable method for obtaining high-quality multiplex images in fluorescence microscopy. FluoSync combines an existing method for hybrid unmixing with…

How to Perform Dynamic Multicolor Time-Lapse Imaging
Live-cell imaging sheds light on diverse cellular events. As many of these events have fast dynamics, the microscope imaging system must be fast enough to record every detail. One major advantage of…

Multi-Color Caspase 3/7 Assays with Mica
Caspases are involved in apoptosis and can be utilized to determine if cells are undergoing this programmed cell death pathway in so-called caspase assays. These assays can be run by e.g. flow…

How To Get Multi Label Experiment Data With Full Spatiotemporal Correlation
This video on demand focuses on the special challenges of live cell experiments. Our hosts Lynne Turnbull and Oliver Schlicker use the example of studying the mitochondrial activity of live cells.…

Multicolor Microscopy: The Importance of Multiplexing
The term multiplexing refers to the use of multiple fluorescent dyes to examine various elements within a sample. Multiplexing allows related components and processes to be observed in parallel,…

A New Method for Convenient and Efficient Multicolor Imaging
The technique combining hyperspectral unmixing and phasor analysis was developed to simplify the process of getting images from a sample labeled with multiple fluorophores. This aggregate method…

Considerations for Multiplex Live Cell Imaging
Simultaneous multicolor imaging for successful experiments: Live-cell imaging experiments are key to understand dynamic processes. They allow us to visually record cells in their living state, without…