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Was ist FRET mit FLIM (FLIM-FRET)?
Der Beitrag erläutert die FLIM-FRET-Methode, die Resonanzenergietransfer und Fluoreszenz-Lebensdauer-Imaging zur Untersuchung von Protein-Protein Wechselwirkungen kombiniert.
Visualizing Protein-Protein Interactions by Non-Fitting and Easy FRET-FLIM Approaches
The Webinar with Dr. Sergi Padilla-Parra is about visualizing protein-protein interaction. He gives insight into non-fitting and easy FRET-FLIM approaches.
TauInteraction – Studying Molecular Interactions with TauSense
Fluorescence microscopy constitutes one of the pillars in life sciences and is a tool commonly used to unveil cellular structure and function. A key advantage of fluorescence microscopy resides in the…
Live-Cell Imaging Techniques
The understanding of complex and/or fast cellular dynamics is an important step for exploring biological processes. Therefore, today’s life science research is increasingly focused on dynamic…
Universal PAINT – Dynamic Super-Resolution Microscopy
Super-resolution microscopy techniques have revolutionized biology for the last ten years. With their help cellular components can now be visualized at the size of a protein. Nevertheless, imaging…
Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET)
The Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) phenomenon offers techniques that allow studies of interactions in dimensions below the optical resolution limit. FRET describes the transfer of the energy…