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Das Wissensportal von Leica Microsystems bietet Ihnen Wissens- und Lehrmaterial zu den Themen der Mikroskopie. Die Inhalte sind so konzipiert, dass sie Einsteiger, erfahrene Praktiker und Wissenschaftler gleichermaßen bei ihrem alltäglichen Vorgehen und Experimenten unterstützen. Entdecken Sie interaktive Tutorials und Anwendungsberichte, erfahren Sie mehr über die Grundlagen der Mikroskopie und High-End-Technologien - werden Sie Teil der Science Lab Community und teilen Sie Ihr Wissen!
The role of extracellular signalling mechanisms in the correct development of the human brain

How do Cells Talk to Each Other During Neurodevelopment?

Professor Silvia Capello presents her group’s research on cellular crosstalk in neurodevelopmental disorders, using models such as cerebral organoids and assembloids.
40x magnification of organoids cluster taken on Mateo TL.Cell type: esophageal squamous carcinoma; scale  bar 15µm. Courtesy of bioGenous, China.

Overcoming Observational Challenges in Organoid 3D Cell Culture

Learn how to overcome challenges in observing organoid growth. Read this article and discover new solutions for real-time monitoring which do not disturb the 3D structure of the organoids over time.
Murine esophageal organoids (DAPI, Integrin26-AF 488, SOX2-AF568) imaged with the THUNDER Imager 3D Cell Culture. Courtesy of Dr. F.T. Arroso Martins, Tamere University, Finland.

How to Get Deeper Insights into your Organoid and Spheroid Models

In this eBook, learn about key considerations for imaging 3D cultures, such as organoids and spheroids, and discover microscopy solutions to shed new insights into dynamic processes in 3D real-time
Brain organoid section (DAPI) acquired using THUNDER Imager Live Cell. Image courtesy of Janina Kaspar and Irene Santisteban, Schäfer Lab, TUM.

Imaging Organoid Models to Investigate Brain Health

Imaging human brain organoid models to study the phenotypes of specialized brain cells called microglia, and the potential applications of these organoid models in health and disease.
Branched organoid growing in collagen where the Nuclei are labeled blue. To detect the mechanosignaling process, the YAP1 is labeled green.

Examining Developmental Processes In Cancer Organoids

Interview: Prof. Bausch and Dr. Pastucha, Technical University of Munich, discuss using microscopy to study development of organoids, stem cells, and other relevant disease models for biomedical…

Die Rolle des Eisenstoffwechsels bei der Krebsentwicklung

Der Eisenstoffwechsel spielt eine Rolle bei der Entstehung und dem Fortschreiten von Krebs und beeinflusst die Immunreaktion. Zu verstehen, wie Eisen Krebs und das Immunsystem beeinflusst, kann die…

Harnessing Microfluidics to Maintain Cell Health During Live-Cell Imaging

VIDEO ON DEMAND - In this episode of MicaCam, we will use microfluidics to explore the effect of shear stress on cell morphology, examine the effect of nutrient replenishment on cellular growth during…

Fluorescence Lifetime-based Imaging Gallery

Confocal microscopy relies on the effective excitation of fluorescence probes and the efficient collection of photons emitted from the fluorescence process. One aspect of fluorescence is the emission…
Mouse lymphnode acquired with a THUNDER Imager 3D Cell Culture. Image courtesy of Dr. Selina Keppler, Munich, Germany.

Image Gallery: THUNDER Imager

To help you answer important scientific questions, THUNDER Imagers eliminate the out-of-focus blur that clouds the view of thick samples when using camera-based fluorescence microscopes. They achieve…
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