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Science Lab

Science Lab

Das Wissensportal von Leica Microsystems bietet Ihnen Wissens- und Lehrmaterial zu den Themen der Mikroskopie. Die Inhalte sind so konzipiert, dass sie Einsteiger, erfahrene Praktiker und Wissenschaftler gleichermaßen bei ihrem alltäglichen Vorgehen und Experimenten unterstützen. Entdecken Sie interaktive Tutorials und Anwendungsberichte, erfahren Sie mehr über die Grundlagen der Mikroskopie und High-End-Technologien - werden Sie Teil der Science Lab Community und teilen Sie Ihr Wissen!
Cell DIVE image of stromal remodeling around B cell follicles of follicular lymphoma patients. Stromal cells labeled with antibodies against desmin (red), SPARC (orange), vimentin (blue), and a-sma (yellow). Extracellular matrix labeled with antibody against lumican (cyan). B cells labeled with antibody against CD20 (green). Image credit: Dr. Andrea Radtke, Center for Advanced Tissue Imaging, NIAID, NIH

Empowering Spatial Biology with Open Multiplexing and Cell DIVE

Spatial biology and multiplexed imaging workflows have become important in immuno-oncology research. Many researchers struggle with study efficiency, even with effective tools and protocols. Here, we…

How did Laser Microdissection enable Pioneering Neuroscience Research?

Dr. Marta Paterlini, a Senior Scientist at the Karolinska Institute, shares her experience of using laser microdissection (LMD) in groundbreaking research into adult human neurogenesis and offers…

AI-Powered Multiplexed Image Analysis to Explore Colon Adenocarcinoma

In this application note, we demonstrate a spatial biology workflow via an AI-powered multiplexed image analysis-based exploration of the tumor immune microenvironment in colon adenocarcinoma.
Intestinal organoids label with FUCCI reporter to follow cell cycle dynamics. Courtesy of Franziska Moos. Liberali lab. FMI Basel (Switzerland).

Dual-View LightSheet Microscope for Large Multicellular Systems

Visualizing the dynamics of complex multicellular systems is a fundamental goal in biology. To address the challenges of live imaging over large spatiotemporal scales, Franziska Moos et. al. present…

A Meta-cancer Analysis of the Tumor Spatial Microenvironment

Learn how clustering analysis of Cell DIVE datasets in Aivia can be used to understand tissue-specific and pan-cancer mechanisms of cancer progression
Multiplexed Cell DIVE imaging of Colon Adenocarcinoma (CAC) tissue. A panel of approximately 30 biomarkers targeted towards various leukocyte lineages, epithelial, stromal, and endothelial cell types was utilized to characterize the tumor immune microenvironment in human colon adenocarcinoma (CAC) tissue.

Mapping the Landscape of Colorectal Adenocarcinoma with Imaging and AI

Discover deep insights in colon adenocarcinoma and other immuno-oncology realms through the potent combination of multiplexed imaging of Cell DIVE and Aivia AI-based image analysis
Clustering based analysis reveals various immune cell populations enriched in tumor cells within CT26.WT syngeneic mouse tumor models.

Spatial Architecture of Tumor and Immune Cells in Tumor Tissues

Dig deep into the spatial biology of cancer progression and mouse immune-oncology in this poster, and learn how tumor metabolism can effect immune cell function.
Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma with 11 Aerobic Glycolysis/Warburg Effect biomarkers shown – BCAT, Glut1, HK2, HTR2B, LDHA, NaKATPase, PCAD, PCK26, PKM2, SMA1, and Vimentin.

IBEX, Cell DIVE, and RNA-Seq: A Multi-omics Approach to Follicular Lymphoma

In a recent study by Radtke et al., a multi-omics spatial biology approach helps shed light on early relapsing lymphoma patients
Multicolor fixed STED image. Inner ear section, mouse, TauSTED Xtend 589 on AF488 and TauSTED Xtend 775 on AF633-Phalloidin. Sample courtesy of Dennis Derstrof, Klinik für Hals-, Nasen und Ohrenheilkunde, Universität Marburg & Prof. Dr. Dominik Oliver aus dem Institut für Physiologie und Pathophysiologie, Abteilung für Neurophysiologie, Universität Marburg.

Extended Live-cell Imaging at Nanoscale Resolution

Extended live-cell imaging with TauSTED Xtend. Combined spatial and lifetime information allow super-resolution microscopy at extremely low light dose.
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