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Depth of Field in Microscope Images
For microscopy imaging, depth of field is an important parameter when needing sharp images of sample areas with structures having significant changes in depth. In practice, depth of field is…

What is Empty Magnification and How can Users Avoid it
The phenomenon of “empty magnification”, which can occur while using an optical, light, or digital microscope, and how it can be avoided is explained in this article. The performance of an optical…

Immersion Objectives
How an immersion objective, which has a liquid medium between it and the specimen being observed, helps increase the numerical aperture and microscope resolution is explained in this article.

Mikroskopische Auflösung: Konzepte, Faktoren und Berechnungen
Dieser Artikel erklärt in einfachen Worten mikroskopische Auflösungskonzepte wie die Airy-Scheibchen, das Abbe-Limit, das Rayleigh-Kriterium und der Halbwertsbreite (FWHM). Außerdem wird der…

Koehler Illumination: A Brief History and a Practical Set Up in Five Easy Steps
In this article, we will look at the history of the technique of Koehler Illumination in addition to how to adjust the components in five easy steps.

Collecting Light: The Importance of Numerical Aperture in Microscopy
Numerical aperture (abbreviated as ‘NA’) is an important consideration when trying to distinguish detail in a specimen viewed down the microscope. NA is a number without units and is related to the…

Optimization of the Interplay of Optical Components for Aberration Free Microscopy
Optical microscopes are used to magnify objects which are otherwise invisible for the human eye. For this purpose high quality optics is necessary to achieve appropriate resolution. However, besides…

Optical Microscopes – Some Basics
The optical microscope has been a standard tool in life science as well as material science for more than one and a half centuries now. To use this tool economically and effectively, it helps a lot to…