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Improve Macular Hole Surgery with Optical Coherence Tomography
A case study on the use of intraoperative OCT during macular hole surgery for pediatric lamellar macular hole repair and how it provides valuable real-time information.

Ophthalmology Case Study: Corneal Transplantation
Learn about the use of intraoperative Optical Coherence Tomography in Corneal Transplantation and how it helps achieve correct positioning of donor tissue.

Utility of Intraoperative OCT in Sub-Retinal Gene Therapy
Discover a case study on the use of intraoperative OCT for pediatric gene therapy and how it supports bleb placement and verifying the foveal contour.

Ophthalmic Gene Therapy Subretinal Injection
Case study on the use of intraoperative OCT for Leber congenital amaurosis macular repair and ophthalmic gene therapy subretinal injection.

Dr. Tawfik Shares his Expert View on Direct Horizontal Chopping in Cataract Surgery
It is estimated that nearly 28 million cataract surgery procedures are performed worldwide every year. Phacoemulsification is the most common method used to remove the cataract and chopping maneuvers…

So finden Sie das richtige Mikroskop für Katarakt OPs
Vor der Auswahl eines Augenmikroskops für Kataraktoperationen und andere Eingriffe am vorderen Augenabschnitt ist es sinnvoll, sich mit der Einrichtung der Praxis oder Klinik sowie den jeweiligen…

Proveo 8 with intraoperative OCT – a User Evaluation in an University Setting
Optical coherence tomography (OCT) makes structures in the eye visible that lie beneath the surface. When OCT is used intraoperatively, surgeons gain insight into possible pathological changes in the…

How to use a Surgical Microscope as an Operating Room Nurse
Surgical microscopes play an essential role in the modern microsurgery procedures. It provides the surgeon, assistant and operating room staff with a magnified and illuminated high-quality image of…

Clinical Symposium on OCT-guided Cornea Surgery
In this recording Prof. Mehta from Singapore National Eye Centre and Prof. Fontana from Santa Maria
Nuova Hospital in Regio Emilia, Italy, share their expertise on corneal surgery. They present PK,…