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Alle Veranstaltungen

How to Prepare and Analyse Battery Samples with Electron Microscopy

This workshop covers the sample preparation process for lithium and novel battery sample analysis, as well as other semiconductor samples requiring high-resolution cross-section imaging.
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How Industrial Applications Benefit from Fluorescence Microscopy

Watch this free webinar to know more about what you can do with fluorescence microscopy for industrial applications. We will cover a wide range of investigations where fluorescence contrast offers new…

Advancing Cell Biology with Cryo-Correlative Microscopy

Correlative light and electron microscopy (CLEM) advances biological discoveries by merging different microscopes and imaging modalities to study systems in 4D. Combining fluorescence microscopy with…

High-pressure freezing: Revealing functional mechanisms of synaptic transmission

Learn more about applying optogenetic stimulation in the EM ICE and how this technology has the potential to reveal structural and functional mechanisms of synaptic transmission. Get a detailed…

Workflows and Instrumentation for Cryo-electron Microscopy

Cryo-electron microscopy is an increasingly popular modality to study the structures of macromolecular complexes and has enabled numerous new insights in cell biology. In recent years, cryo-electron…

Analyzing Non-metallic Inclusions in Steel

Oftentimes we find ourselves caught up in tedious analyses by reticle and comparison chart, time-consuming double-evaluation according to several standards or subjective inspection results with a bias…
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