Ciencias de la vida

Ciencias de la vida

Ciencias de la vida

Este es el lugar para ampliar sus conocimientos, capacidades de investigación y aplicaciones prácticas de la microscopía en diversos campos científicos. Aprenda a conseguir una visualización precisa, interpretación de imágenes y avances en la investigación. Encuentre información detallada sobre microscopía avanzada, técnicas de obtención de imágenes, preparación de muestras y análisis de imágenes. Los temas tratados incluyen la biología celular, la neurociencia y la investigación del cáncer, con especial atención a las aplicaciones e innovaciones de vanguardia.
3D-volume-rendered light-sheet microscope image of a spheroid showing depth coding in different colors.

Imaging of Anti-Cancer Drug Uptake in Spheroids using DLS

Spheroid 3D cell culture models mimic the physiology and functions of living tissues making them a useful tool to study tumor morphology and screen anti-cancer drugs. The drug AZD2014 is a recognized…
Single timepoint of a time-lapse recording of mammary epithelial micro spheroid cultured in 3D highlighting individual mitotic events

Observing Complex Cellular Interactions at Multiple Scales

Learn how to observe challenging cellular interactions with easy to deploy object detection and relationship measurements.
Spontaneous colon adenoma

Intravital Microscopy of Cancer

Join our guest speaker Prof Dr Jacco van Rheenen, as he presents his work on the identity, behavior and fate of cells that drive the initiation and progression of cancer.
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Accelerating Neuron Image Analysis with Automation

The ability to examine complex neural processes relies on the accurate reconstruction of neuronal networks at scale. Most data extraction methods in neuroscience research are time-consuming and…
Separation of cells based on their tracking status: A colourised binary mask of a time-lapse microscopy field of view of medium confluency with individual cells highlighted as survivors if they can be tracked since the initial movie frame (cyan), incomers if they migrated into the field of view throughout the movie (yellow) or mistracks if an error occurred in the automated trajectory reconstruction (red).

Tracking Single Cells Using Deep Learning

AI-based solutions continue to gain ground in the field of microscopy. From automated object classification to virtual staining, machine and deep learning technologies are powering scientific…
Analysis of anatomy and axon orientation of an adult mouse brain tissue with QLIPP.

Learning the Cellular Architecture from its Optical Properties

In the last 3 years, microscopists have started to use "AI based" solutions for a wide range of applications, including image acquisition optimization (smart microscopy), object classification, image…
Dynamic Signal Enhancement powered by Aivia:  Truly simultaneous multicolor imaging of live cells (U2OS) in 3D

Artificial Intelligence and Confocal Microscopy – What You Need to Know

This list of frequently asked questions provides “hands-on” answers and is a supplement to the introductory article about Dynamic Signal Enhancement powered by Aivia "How Artificial Intelligence…
Dynamic Signal Enhancement powered by Aivia: Truly simultaneous multicolor imaging of live cells (U2OS) in 3D

How Artificial Intelligence Enhances Confocal Imaging

In this article, we show how artificial intelligence (AI) can enhance your imaging experiments. Namely, how Dynamic Signal Enhancement powered by Aivia improves image quality while capturing the…

Designing your Research Study with Multiplexed IF Imaging

Multiplexed tissue analysis is a powerful technique that allows comparisons of cell-type locations and cell-type interactions within a single fixed tissue sample. It is common for researchers to ask…
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