Especialidades médicas

Especialidades médicas

Especialidades médicas

Explore una completa colección de recursos científicos y clínicos adaptados a los profesionales sanitarios, que incluye opiniones de colegas, estudios de casos clínicos y simposios. Diseñada para neurocirujanos, oftalmólogos y especialistas en cirugía plástica y reparadora, otorrinolaringología y odontología. Esta colección destaca los últimos avances en microscopía quirúrgica. Descubra cómo las tecnologías quirúrgicas de vanguardia, como la fluorescencia AR, la visualización 3D y las imágenes OCT intraoperatorias, permiten tomar decisiones con confianza y precisión en cirugías complejas.

Neurosurgery with Heads-up Display

In the following video interviews Prof. Dr. Raphael Guzman, Vice Chairman of the Department of Neurosurgery at the University Hospital in Basel, Switzerland, talks about his experience in heads-up…

Clinical Uses in Cerebrovascular and Skull Base Neurosurgery

In this webinar Dr. Bendok and Dr. Morcos explain how Augmented Reality and Fluorescence can enhance visualization and support surgical decision making. They present first-hand experience of the GLOW…

Surgical Microscopes: Key Factors for OR Nurses

Operating room (OR) nurses are vital to the surgery process. An OR Nurse Manager explains the key surgical microscope features to facilitate their work.

GLOW800 Augmented Reality Fluorescence in Aneurysm Treatment

This case study from Prof. Dr. Feres Chaddad talks about the treatment of unruptured MCA (middle cerebral artery) and PCOM (posterior communicating artery) aneurysms with microsurgical clipping. It…

The Future of Fluorescence in Vascular Neurosurgery

In vascular neurosurgery, surgical microscopes are used to provide a magnified and illuminated view of the surgical field. Although surgeons benefit greatly from the superb image quality and optical…
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