Especialidades médicas
Especialidades médicas
Explore una completa colección de recursos científicos y clínicos adaptados a los profesionales sanitarios, que incluye opiniones de colegas, estudios de casos clínicos y simposios. Diseñada para neurocirujanos, oftalmólogos y especialistas en cirugía plástica y reparadora, otorrinolaringología y odontología. Esta colección destaca los últimos avances en microscopía quirúrgica. Descubra cómo las tecnologías quirúrgicas de vanguardia, como la fluorescencia AR, la visualización 3D y las imágenes OCT intraoperatorias, permiten tomar decisiones con confianza y precisión en cirugías complejas.
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Buying an Ophthalmic Microscope? Gain Peers Insights from Dr. Dhami
In this article, learn how Dr. Abhinav Dhami, an ophthalmic surgery consultant in North India, enhances his surgical precision using the M822 ophthalmic microscope from Leica Microsystems and the key…

Dr. Tawfik Shares his Expert View on Direct Horizontal Chopping in Cataract Surgery
It is estimated that nearly 28 million cataract surgery procedures are performed worldwide every year. Phacoemulsification is the most common method used to remove the cataract and chopping maneuvers…

How to Select a Microscope for Cataract Surgery
What to consider in the selection of an ophthalmic microscope for cataract procedures. Bearing these aspects in mind will equip surgeons well for talks with manufacturer representatives. Many…

Advanced Techniques in Cataract and Refractive Surgery
In this webinar Dr. Thompson and Dr. Moshirfar will explain how Leica microscopes aid in procedures such as Centration of Multifocal IOLs and corneal inlays such as Kamra and Lenticular Grafts used in…