Especialidades médicas

Especialidades médicas

Especialidades médicas

Explore una completa colección de recursos científicos y clínicos adaptados a los profesionales sanitarios, que incluye opiniones de colegas, estudios de casos clínicos y simposios. Diseñada para neurocirujanos, oftalmólogos y especialistas en cirugía plástica y reparadora, otorrinolaringología y odontología. Esta colección destaca los últimos avances en microscopía quirúrgica. Descubra cómo las tecnologías quirúrgicas de vanguardia, como la fluorescencia AR, la visualización 3D y las imágenes OCT intraoperatorias, permiten tomar decisiones con confianza y precisión en cirugías complejas.
GLOW800 Augmented Reality Fluorescence used for real-time blood flow visualization in aneurysm clipping surgery

Aneurysm Clipping: Assessing Perforators in Real-Time with AR Fluorescence

This article covers two aneurysm clipping cases highlighting the clinical benefits of GLOW800 Augmented Reality Fluorescence application in neurosurgery, based on insights from Prof. Tohru Mizutani,…
GLOW400 AR Fluorescence in anatomy view, image courtesy of Prof. Kondo

How to Achieve Brain Tissue Resection with GLOW400 AR

Intraoperative MRI is one form of real-time intraoperative visualization, but if more in-depth visualization to identify a tumor during surgery is wanted, intraoperative fluorescence diagnostics is…
According to Dr. Flanagan, the PROvido IVA surgical microscope provides optimal visualization, supporting the needs of tympanoplasty surgery. Image courtesy of Dr. Sean Flanagan.

Tympanoplasty Surgery: Optimal Approaches and Tools

Discover tympanoplasty surgery case studies illustrating the standard approaches: post-auricular, endaural and transcanal. Gain insights from Dr. Flanagan on selecting the adequate surgical approach…

RPE65 Gene Therapy Subretinal Injection: Benefits of Intraoperative OCT

Discover how RPE65 gene therapy subretinal injection procedures in patients with Leber congenital amaurosis is supported by intraoperative Optical Coherence Tomography.
Applying dispersive viscoelastic to coat the anterior chamber. Image courtesy of Arsham Sheybani, MD, Washington University School of Medicine.

Dislocated Cataract Angle Closure Aided by Intraoperative OCT

Learn how a dislocated cataract was treated with angle closure assisted by intraoperative OCT to achieve long-term good results without future lens dislocation.
Dr. Sheybani places the new subconjunctival stent in the anterior chamber. Images courtesy of Arsham Sheybani, MD.

Glaucoma Stent Revision Surgery Guided by Intraoperative OCT

Learn about a glaucoma subconjunctival stent revision guided by intraoperative OCT and the important role it plays to ensure the best outcome.
Prof. Nikolaos Bechrakis uses the Proveo 8 ceiling mounted microscope with EnFocus intraoperative OCT. Images provided by Prof. Nikolaos Bechrakis.

Posterior Segment Surgery: Benefits of Utilizing Intraoperative OCT

Learn about the value of intraoperative optical coherence tomography in posterior segment surgery to precisely locate, evaluate and manage pathologies.
Keratoplasty of pathologic cornea

Intraoperative OCT-Assisted Corneal Transplant Procedures

Learn about the use of intraoperative optical coherence tomography in corneal transplantation and how it facilitates the adaptation of the donor cornea.
Dr. Ozana Moraru shares two primary open-angle glaucoma cases in which trabeculectomy bleb needling was performed using the Leica M844 microscope with EnFocus intraoperative OCT. Image courtesy of Dr. Ozana Moraru.

How Intraoperative OCT Helps Gain Greater Insight in Glaucoma Surgery

Learn about the use of intraoperative Optical Coherence Tomography in glaucoma surgery and how it helps see subsurface tissue details.
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