Science Lab
Science Lab
Bienvenido al portal de conocimiento de Leica Microsystems. Aquí encontrará investigación científica y material didáctico sobre el tema de la microscopía. El portal ayuda a principiantes, profesionales experimentados y científicos por igual en su trabajo diario y en sus experimentos. Explore tutoriales interactivos y notas de aplicación, descubra los fundamentos de la microscopía, así como las tecnologías de gama alta. Forme parte de la comunidad Science Lab y comparta sus conocimientos.
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Imaging and Analyzing Zebrafish, Medaka, and Xenopus
Discover how to image and analyze zebrafish, medaka, and Xenopus frog model organisms efficiently with a microscope for developmental biology applications from this article.

Investigating Fruit Flies (Drosophila melanogaster)
Learn how to image and investigate Drosophila fruit fly model organisms efficiently with a microscope for developmental biology applications from this article.

Studying Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans)
Find out how you can image and study C. elegans roundworm model organisms efficiently with a microscope for developmental biology applications from this article.

Is that Document Genuine or Fake? How do They Identify Fake Documents?
This article shows how forensic experts use microscopy for analysis to identify counterfeit, fake documents, such as ID cards, passports, visas, certificates, etc. Then they know if it is genuine or…

The History of Stereo Microscopy
This article gives an overview on the history of stereo microscopes. The development and evolution from handcrafted instruments (late 16th to mid-18th century) to mass produced ones the last 150…