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Studying Virus Replication with Fluorescence Microscopy
The results from research on SARS-CoV-2 virus replication kinetics, adaption capabilities, and cytopathology in Vero E6 cells, done with the help of fluorescence microscopy, are described in this…

How Can Immunofluorescence Aid Virology Research?
Modern virology research has become as crucial now as ever before due to the global COVID-19 pandemic. There are many powerful technologies and assays that virologists can apply to their research into…

Microscopy in Virology
The coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, causing the Covid-19 disease effects our world in all aspects. Research to find immunization and treatment methods, in other words to fight this virus, gained highest…

How to Sanitize a Microscope
Due to the current coronavirus pandemic, there are a lot of questions regarding decontamination methods of microscopes for safe usage. This informative article summarizes general decontamination…