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GLOW800 Augmented Reality Fluorescence in AVM (Arteriovenous Malformation) Treatment

In this case study Prof. Dr. Feres Chaddad talks about the treatment of AVMs. It illustrates how the Augmented Reality Fluorescence GLOW800 can help surgeons during microsurgical resection by…
Image Guided Surgery

Navigating Through the Brain

One of the challenges of neurosurgery is orientation at the surgical site. When resecting tumors, removing arteriovenous malformations, or clipping aneurysms, surgeons often have to work near healthy…

Domaines d'application

Microscopes de neurochirurgie

Nos microscopes de neurochirurgie de pointe offrent une visualisation optimale et fiable, intégrant des filtres de fluorescence et la fluorescence à réalité augmentée GLOW 800.
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