Viventis Deep Microscope à fluorescence à feuillet de lumière à double détection

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Organismes Modèles dans la Recherche

Un organisme modèle désigne une espèce utilisée par les chercheurs pour étudier des processus biologiques spécifiques. Ils présentent des caractéristiques génétiques similaires à celles de l’homme et…
Developing embryos of different species at different stages during the elongation of their posterior body axis, from left to right in developmental time. The labelled regions in red depict a region of undifferentiated cells called the tailbud, with the corresponding region generated from that tissue shaded in grey. Upper row: lamprey; middle row: catshark; bottom row, zebrafish. This figure has been adapted from the following publication: Steventon, B., Duarte, F., Lagadec, R., Mazan, S., Nicolas, J.-F., & Hirsinger, E. (2016). Species tailoured contribution of volumetric growth and tissue convergence to posterior body elongation in vertebrates. Development, 2016. 143(10):1732-41

How to Study Gene Regulatory Networks in Embryonic Development

Join Dr. Andrea Boni by attending this on-demand webinar to explore how light-sheet microscopy revolutionizes developmental biology. This advanced imaging technique allows for high-speed, volumetric…
Intestinal organoids label with FUCCI reporter to follow cell cycle dynamics. Courtesy of Franziska Moos. Liberali lab. FMI Basel (Switzerland).

Dual-View LightSheet Microscope for Large Multicellular Systems

Visualizing the dynamics of complex multicellular systems is a fundamental goal in biology. To address the challenges of live imaging over large spatiotemporal scales, Franziska Moos et. al. present…
Virally labeled neurons (red) and astrocytes (green) in a cortical spheroid derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells. THUNDER Model Organism Imager with a 2x 0.15 NA objective at 3.4x zoom was used to produce this 425 µm Z-stack (26 positions), which is presented here as an Extended Depth of Field (EDoF) projection.  Images courtesy of Dr. Fikri Birey  from the Dr. Sergiu Pasca laboratory at Stanford University, 3165 Porter Dr., Palo Alto, CA

Download The Guide to Live Cell Imaging

In life science research, live cell imaging is an indispensable tool to visualize cells in a state as in vivo as possible. This E-book reviews a wide range of important considerations to take to…

Domaines d'application

Organoïdes et culture cellulaire en 3D

L’une des avancées récentes les plus passionnantes de la recherche en sciences de la vie est le développement de systèmes de culture cellulaire en 3D, tels que les organoïdes, les sphéroïdes ou les…
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