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Evolution of the emissivity of tungsten at high temperature with and without proton bombardment
E. Brodu, M. Balat-Pichelin, J.-L. Sans, J.C. Kasper (2015)
Acta Materialia 84 p. 305-316

Improved electrical transport in lightly Er-doped sol–gel spin-coating SnO2 thin films, processed by photolithography
Leandro P. Ravaro, Luis V. A. Scalvi, Miguel H. Boratto (2014)
Applied Physics A

Alginate electrodeposition onto three-dimensional porous Co-Ni films as drug delivery platforms
J García-Torres, C Gispert, E Gómez, E Vallés (2014)
Physical chemistry chemical physics

Voltammetric sensor for theophylline using sol–gel immobilized molecularly imprinted polymer particles
Ferdia Bates, Manel del Valle (2014)
Microchimica Acta   

Laser printing of azo-derivative thin films for non-linear optical applications
Andreea Matei, Catalin Constantinescu, Bogdana Mitu, Mihaela Filipescu, Valentin Ion, Iulian Ionita, Simona Brajnicov, Anne-Patricia Alloncle, Philippe Delaporte, Ana Emandi, Maria Dinescu (2014)
Applied Surface Science

Macroporous and nanometre scale fibrous PLA and PLA–HA composite scaffolds fabricated by a bio safe strategy
Aurelio Salerno, Mar Fernández-Gutiérrez, Julio San Román del Barrio, Concepción Domingo Pascual (2014)
RSC Adv. 4 (106) p. 61491-61502

Fracture toughness and strength distribution at room temperature of zirconia tapes used for electrolyte supported solid oxide fuel cells
Felix Fleischhauer, Mark Terner, Raul Bermejo, Robert Danzer, Andreas Mai, Thomas Graule, Jakob Kuebler (2015)
Journal of Power Sources 275 p. 217-226

Advances in Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy of natural glasses: From sample preparation to data analysis
F.W. von Aulock, B.M. Kennedy, C.I. Schipper, J.M. Castro, D. E. Martin, C. Oze, J.M. Watkins, P.J. Wallace, L. Puskar, F. Bégué, A.R.L. Nichols, H. Tuffen (2014)
Lithos 206-207 p. 52-64

Laser-induced forward transfer of multi-layered structures for OTFT applications
C. Constantinescu, A.K. Diallo, L. Rapp, P. Cremillieu, R. Mazurczyk, F. Serein-Spirau, J.P. Lère-Porte, P. Delaporte, A.P. Alloncle, C. Videlot-Ackermann (2014)
Applied Surface Science

Hardness and flexural strength of single-walled carbon nanotube/alumina composites
A. Gallardo-López, R. Poyato, A. Morales-Rodríguez, A. Fernández-Serrano, A. Muñoz, A. Domínguez-Rodríguez (2014)
Journal of Materials Science 49 (20) p. 7116-7123

Thermal 3D model for Direct Solar Steam Generation under superheated conditions
J.J. Serrano-Aguilera, L. Valenzuela, L. Parras (2014)
Applied Energy 132 p. 370-382

Influence of the target material constitutive model on the numerical simulation of a shot peening process
Pedro Sanjurjo, Cristina Rodríguez, Inés Peñuelas, Tomás Eduardo García, Francisco Javier Belzunce (2014)
Surface and Coatings Technology

Improving sensitivity of gold nanoparticle-based lateral flow assays by using wax-printed pillars as delay barriers of microfluidics
Lourdes Rivas, Mariana Medina-Sánchez, Alfredo de la Escosura-Muñiz, Arben Merkoçi (2014)
Lab on a chip 14 (22) p. 4406-4414

Hardness control of grind-hardening and finishing grinding by means of area-based specific energy
U. Alonso, N. Ortega, J.A. Sanchez, I. Pombo, B. Izquierdo, S. Plaza (2015)
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 88 p. 24-33

Self-crumpling elastomers: bending induced by the drying stimulus of a nanoparticle suspension
François Boulogne, Howard A. Stone (2014)

Comparative Study Concerning the Generation of some Circular Grooves by Radial Cold Rolling with Roller Tools and Cutting
Eduard Niţu, Monica Iordache, Doina Iacomi (2014)
Advanced Materials Research 1036 p. 246-251

Surface Morphology, Crystallinity, and Hydrophilicity of Poly(ε-caprolactone) Films Prepared Via Casting of Ethyl Lactate and Ethyl Acetate Solutions
Andrea Causa, Giovanni Filippone, Domenico Acierno, Concepción Domingo, Aurelio Salerno (2014)
Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics

Influence of raw carbon nanotubes diameter for the optimization of the load composition ratio in epoxy amperometric composite sensors
J. Muñoz, J. Bartrolí, F. Céspedes, M. Baeza (2014)
Journal of Materials Science

Influence of pulse sequence and edge material effect on fatigue life of Al2024-T351 specimens treated by laser shock processing
C. Correa, L. Ruiz de Lara, M. Díaz, J.A. Porro, A. García-Beltrán, J.L. Ocaña (2015)
International Journal of Fatigue 70 p. 196-204

Enhanced Charge Capacity in Iridium Oxide-Graphene Oxide Hybrids
N.M. Carretero, M.P. Lichtenstein, E. Pérez, S. Sandoval, G. Tobias, C. Suñol, N. Casan-Pastor (2014)
Electrochimica Acta

Laser processing of metal thin films using transparent microsphere arrays
C. Constantinescu, K.L.N. Deepak, P. Delaporte, O. Utéza, D. Grojo (2014)
Applied Surface Science

Laser-induced forward transfer of a bis-pyrene compound for OTFTs
C. Constantinescu, A.K. Diallo, A. D’Aleo, F. Fages, C. Videlot-Ackermann, P. Delaporte, A.P. Alloncle (2014)
Applied Surface Science

IrOx-carbon nanotube hybrids: A nanostructured material for electrodes with increased charge capacity in neural systems
Nina M Carretero, Mathieu P Lichtenstein, Estela Pérez, Laura Cabana, Cristina Suñol, Nieves Casañ-Pastor (2014)
Acta biomaterialia

Influence of severe shot peening on wear behaviour of an aluminium alloy
M. Palacios, S. Bagherifard, M. Guagliano, I. Fernández Pariente (2014)
Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures 37 (7) p. 821-829

Targeted suppression of vibration in deep hole drilling using magneto-rheological fluid damper
Lingfei Kong, Jih-Hua Chin, Yan Li, Yanjun Lu, Pengyang Li (2014)
Journal of Materials Processing Technology

Tailoring the LCST of Thermosensitive Hydrogels thin films deposited by iCVD
Abdon Pena-Francesch, Laura Montero, Salvador Borros (2014)

Experimental Study on Micro EDM-DRILLING of Ti6Al4V Using Helical Electrode
Soraya Plaza, Jose A. Sanchez, Endika Perez, Ruben Gil, Borja Izquierdo, Naiara Ortega, Iñigo Pombo (2014)
Precision Engineering

Laser-induced forward transfer of polythiophene-based derivatives for fully polymeric thin film transistors
Ludovic Rapp, Catalin Constantinescu, Philippe Delaporte, Anne Patricia Alloncle (2014)
Organic Electronics

Regenerative vibration avoidance due to tool tangential dynamics in interrupted turning operations
G. Urbikain, L.N. López de Lacalle, A. Fernández (2014)
Journal of Sound and Vibration 333 (17) p. 3996-4006

Improvement of surface conditions of 36 Cr Ni Mo 6 steel by ball burnishing process
Hamid Hamadache, Zahia Zemouri, Lakhdar Laouar, Serge Dominiak (2014)
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 28 (4) p. 1491-1498

Evaluation of bone tissue reaction in laser beamed implants
Sergio Allegrini, Marcelo Yoshimoto, Marcos Barbosa Salles, Marcia Rivellino Facci Allegrini, Luciana Crepaldi Yazawa Pistarini, Francisco Jose Correa Braga, Ana Helena de Almeida Bressiani (2014)
Applied Surface Science

Research activity in the laboratory for inertial confinement fusion in ENEA – Frascati
R De Angelis, P Andreoli, F Consoli, G Cristofari, G Di Giorgio (2014)
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 508 p. 012033

Trepanning drilling of stainless steel using a high-power Ytterbium-doped fiber ultrafast laser: influence of pulse duration on hole geometry and processing quality
John Lopez, Mathieu Dijoux, Raphael Devillard, Marc Faucon, Rainer Kling (2014)
SPIE LASE p. 89721E

Smart beam shaping for the deposition of solid polymeric material by laser forward transfer
Ludovic Rapp, Catalin Constantinescu, Yannick Larmande, Anne Patricia Alloncle, Philippe Delaporte (2014)
Applied Physics A   

Influence of Silicon on the Wear Properties of Amorphous Carbon Under Dry and Lubricated Conditions
Balasubramaniam Vengudusamy, Alexander Grafl, Klaus Preinfalk (2014)
Tribology Letters

Processing and wear of cast MMCs with cemented carbide scrap
H. Rojacz, M. Varga, H. Kerber, H. Winkelmann (2014)
Journal of Materials Processing Technology

Effect of lateral static load on immediately restored implants: histologic and radiographic evaluation in dogs
Daniel S. Ferrari, Adriano Piattelli, Giovanna Iezzi, Marcelo Faveri, José A. Rodrigues, Jamil A. Shibli (2014)
Clinical Oral Implants Research

Effect of high SWNT content on the room temperature mechanical properties of fully dense 3YTZP/SWNT composites
R. Poyato, A. Gallardo-López, F. Gutiérrez-Mora, A. Morales-Rodríguez, A. Muñoz, A. Domínguez-Rodríguez (2014)
Journal of the European Ceramic Society

Thermodynamic and Kinetic Study of the Carbothermal Reduction of SnO2 for Solar Thermochemical Fuel Generation
Gaël Levêque, Stéphane Abanades (2013)
Energy & Fuels p. 131224162349009

Influence of Pyrene Grafting on PMMA Nanosecond Laser Ablation at 248 nm
Emeric Biver, Marco Berta, Anthony D'Aléo, Trang Phan, Sébastien Maria, Frédéric Fages, Didier Gigmes, Marc Sentis, Philippe Delaporte (2013)
ACS applied materials & interfaces   

Influence of the shot-peening intensity on the structure and near-surface mechanical properties of Ti40Zr10Cu38Pd12 bulk metallic glass
S. González, J. Fornell, E. Pellicer, S. Suriñach, M. D. Baró, A. L. Greer, F. J. Belzunce, J. Sort (2013)
Applied Physics Letters    103 (21) p. 211907

Tribological properties of hydrogenated amorphous carbon under dry and lubricated conditions
Balasubramaniam Vengudusamy, Alexander Grafl, Klaus Preinfalk (2014)
Diamond and Related Materials 41 p. 53-64

In-process prediction of the hardened layer in cylindrical traverse grind-hardening
Unai Alonso, Naiara Ortega, Jose Antonio Sanchez, Iñigo Pombo, Soraya Plaza, Borja Izquierdo (2013)
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology

Potential of thick a-C:H:Si films as substitute for chromium plating
Christian Forsich, Christian Dipolt, Daniel Heim, Thomas Mueller, Andreas Gebeshuber, Reinhard Holecek, Christoph Lugmair (2013)
Surface and Coatings Technology

Development of method for calculating and experimentally evaluating tribological parameters of piston-cylinder tribosystem of diesel engine
I. G. Goryacheva, A. V. Morozov, Yu. V. Rozhdestvensky, K. V. Gavrilov, A. A. Doikin (2013)
Journal of Friction and Wear 34 (5) p. 339-348

Modeling of the geometry built-up by coaxial laser material deposition process
I. Tabernero, A. Lamikiz, E. Ukar, S. Martínez, A. Celaya (2013)
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology   

FAP- Anion Ionic Liquids Used in the Lubrication of a Steel–Steel Contact
J. L. Viesca, A. García, A. Hernández Battez, R. González, R. Monge, A. Fernández-González, M. Hadfield (2013)
Tribology Letters   

In vitro biocompatibility assessment of Ti40Cu38Zr10Pd12 bulk metallic glass
A Blanquer, E Pellicer, A Hynowska, L Barrios, E Ibáñez, M D Baró, J Sort, C Nogués (2013)
Journal of materials science. Materials in medicine   

Internal characterization and hole Formation mechanism in the laser PERCUSSION drilling process
I Arrizubieta, A. Lamikiz, S. Martínez, E. Ukar, I. Tabernero, F. Girot (2013)
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture

Improved resistance of alumina to mild wear by aluminium titanate additions
C. Baudín, A. Tricoteaux, H. Joire (2013)
Journal of the European Ceramic Society

Dry-Blasting of α- and κ-Al2O3 CVD Hard Coatings: Friction Behaviour and Thermal Stress Relaxation
N. Schalk, C. Mitterer, C. Czettl, B. Sartory, M. Penoy, C. Michotte (2013)
Tribology Letters

Tribological behaviour of antiwear additives used in hydraulic applications: Synergistic or antagonistic with other surface-active additives?
Balasubramaniam Vengudusamy, Alexander Grafl, Franz Novotny-Farkas, Thomas Schimmel, Karl Adam (2013)
Tribology International

Conductive microemulsions for template CoNi electrodeposition
Albert Serrà, Elvira Gómez, Gabriela Calderó, Jordi Esquena, Conxita Solans, Elisa Vallés (2013)
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP 15 (35) p. 14653-9

Functionalization of 3D scaffolds with protein-releasing biomaterials for intracellular delivery
Joaquin Seras-Franzoso, Christoph Steuer, Mònica Roldán, Meritxell Vendrell, Carla Vidaurre-Agut, Anna Tarruella, Laura Saldaña, Nuria Vilaboa, Marc Parera, Elisa Elizondo, Imma Ratera, Nora Ventosa, Jaume Veciana, Alberto J. Campillo-Fernández, Elena García-Fruitós, Esther Vázquez, Antonio Villaverde (2013)
Journal of Controlled Release

Detection and classification of orange peel on polished steel surfaces by interferometric microscopy
M L Miranda-Medina, P Somkuti, B Steiger (2013)
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 450 (1) p. 012009

Fabrication of low loss MOMS resonators for quantum optics experiments
E Serra, A Bagolini, A Borrielli, M Boscardin, F S Cataliotti, F Marin, F Marino, A Pontin, G A Prodi, M Vannoni, M Bonaldi (2013)
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering    23 (8) p. 085010

Spectroscopy and X-ray structure refinement of sekaninaite from Dolní Bory (Czech Republic)
F. Radica, F. Capitelli, F. Bellatreccia, G. Della Ventura, A. Cavallo, et al. (2013)
Mineralogical Magazine 77 (4) p. 485-498

Tribological characterization of biocompatible HAp-TiO2 coatings obtained by high velocity oxy-fuel spray
H. Melero, M. Torrell, J. Fernández, J.R. Gomes, J.M. Guilemany (2013)

Bioinspired hierarchical superhydrophobic structures formed by n-paraffin waxes of varying chain lengths
S. Pechook, B. Pokroy (2013)
Soft Matter   

Shape of Water-Air Interface Beneath a Drop on a Superhydrophobic Surface Revealed: Constant Curvature That Approaches Zero
Boris Haimov, Sasha Pechook, Orna Ternyak, Boaz Pokroy (2013)
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C p. 130307163604004

D. Canteli, I. Torres, JJ. García-Ballesteros, J. Cárabe, C. Molpeceres, JJ. Gandía (2013)
Applied Surface Science

O. García, J.J. García-Ballesteros, DAVID Munoz-Martin, S. Núñez-Sánchez, M. Morales, J. Carabe, I. Torres, J.J. Gandía, C. Molpeceres (2013)
Applied Surface Science

Direct Laser Texturing for High-Efficiency Silicon Solar Cells
Dimitri Zielke, David Sylla, Tobias Neubert, Rolf Brendel, Jan Schmidt (2012)
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics PP (99) p. 1-6

Parameterization of local laser doping and laser-fired contacts for high efficiency c-Si solar cells
C. Molpeceres, M.I. Sánchez, M. Morales, D. Muñoz-Martín, S. Lauzurica, I. Martín, P. Ortega, M. Colina, C. Voz, R. Alcubilla (2012)
Physics Procedia 39 p. 693-701

Estimation of Local Crystallization of a-Si:H Thin Films by Nanosecond Pulsed Laser Irradiation Through Local Temperature Simulation
O. García, J.J. García-Ballesteros, D. Munoz-Martin, S. Núñez-Sánchez, M. Morales, J. Carabe, I. Torres, J.J. Gandía, C. Molpeceres (2012)
Physics Procedia 39 (null) p. 286-294

Surface Functionalization of AISI 316 Steel by Laser Texturing of Shaped Microcavities with Picosecond Pulses
J. Sampedro, R. Ferre, E. Fernández, I. Pérez, B. Cárcel, T. Molina, J.A. Ramos (2012)
Physics Procedia 39 p. 636-641

C2H6 as precursor for low pressure chemical vapour deposition of TiCNB hard coatings
C. Czettl, C. Mitterer, M. Penoy, C. Michotte, M. Kathrein (2012)
Surface and Coatings Technology

Biomolecular Interaction Analysis of Gestrinone-anti-Gestrinone Using Arrays of High Aspect Ratio SU-8 Nanopillars
Francisco J. Ortega, María-José Bañuls, Francisco J. Sanza, Rafael Casquel, María Fe Laguna, Miguel Holgado, David López-Romero, Carlos A. Barrios, Ángel Maquieira, Rosa Puchades (2012)
Biosensors 2(3) p. 291-304

Effect of lateral resolution on surface data and and its characterization method
Özgür Tan
ICSM 2012, The Third International Conference in surface metrology, 2012, March 21-23, 2012, Annecy, France

Quantitative analysis of H2O and CO2 in cordierite using polarized FTIR spectroscopy
Giancarlo Della Ventura, Francesco Radica, Fabio Bellatreccia, Andrea Cavallo, Francesco Capitelli, Simon Harley (2012)
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology

Manufacturing of Porous Biomaterials for Dental Implant Applications through Selective Laser Melting
Francesco Cardaropoli, Vittorio Alfieri, Fabrizia Caiazzo, Vincenzo Sergi (2012)
Advanced Materials Research  535-537 p. 1222-1229

Technological and economic assessment of two-steps printing processes in a mc-Si solar cells production environment
M. Pesce, M. Maugeri, M. Marsili, M. Zarcone, D. Tonini, C. Bottosso, M. Galiazzo, A. Tomasi (2012)
Energy Procedia 21 p. 24-31

Electrodeposited CoPt films from a deep eutectic solvent
P. Guillamat, M. Cortés, E. Vallés, E. Gómez (2012)
Surface and Coatings Technology

Magnetic CoPt (60–70 wt%Pt) microstructures fabricated by the electrochemical method
M Cortés, E Gómez, E Vallés (2012)
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 22 (5) p. 055016

Surface roughness of flowable resin composites eroded by acidic and alcoholic drinks
Claudio Poggio, Alberto Dagna, Marco Chiesa, Marco Colombo, Andrea Scribante (2012)
Journal of Conservative Dentistry 15 (2) p. 137-140

Self-Assembling, Bioinspired Wax Crystalline Surfaces with Time-Dependent Wettability
Sasha Pechook, Boaz Pokroy (2011)
Advanced Functional Materials

Print Parameters Influence on Parts' Quality and Calibration with 3DP-Part I: Print Parameters Influence on Parts’ Surface Topography
Shu Juan Li, Shan Cao (2011)
Advanced Materials Research 399-401 p. 1639-1645

CoPt nanoscale structures with different geometry prepared by electrodeposition for modulation of their magnetic properties
M. Cortés, A. Serrà, E. Gómez, E. Vallés (2011)
Electrochimica Acta 56 (24) p. 8232-8238

CuInSe2 films prepared by three step pulsed electrodeposition. Deposition mechanisms, optical and photoelectrochemical studies
F. Caballero-Briones, A. Palacios-Padrós, Fausto Sanz (2011)
Electrochimica Acta 56 (26) p. 9556-9567

Nanosecond laser ablation processes in aluminum-doped zinc-oxide for photovoltaic devices
D. Canteli, S. Fernandez, C. Molpeceres, I. Torres, J.J. Gandía (2011)
Applied Surface Science

Influence of laser scribing in the electrical properties of a-Si:H thin film photovoltaic modules
J.J. García-Ballesteros, I. Torres, S. Lauzurica, D. Canteli, J.J. Gandía, C. Molpeceres (2011)
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 95 (3) p. 986-991

Optimization of laser-firing processes for silicon-heterojunction solar-cell back contacts
I. Sánchez-Aniorte, R. Barrio, A. Casado, M. Morales, J. Cárabe, J.J. Gandía, C. Molpeceres (2011)
Applied Surface Science

Cost-effective SU-8 micro-structures by DUV excimer laser lithography for label-free biosensing
F.J. Sanza, M.F. Laguna, R. Casquel, M. Holgado, C.A. Barrios, F.J. Ortega, D. López-Romero, J.J. García-Ballesteros, M.J. Bañuls, A. Maquieira (2011)
Applied Surface Science 257 (12) p. 5403-5407

Label-free biosensing by means of periodic lattices of high aspect ratio SU-8 nano-pillars.
M Holgado, C A Barrios, F J Ortega, F J Sanza, R Casquel, M F Laguna, M J Bañuls, D López-Romero, R Puchades, A Maquieira (2010)
Biosensors & bioelectronics 25 (12) p. 2553-8

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