DMi1 Microscopio rovesciato per colture cellulari

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Microscope image of cultured cells at the bottom of a dish.

How to do a Proper Cell Culture Quick Check

In order to successfully work with mammalian cell lines, they must be grown under controlled conditions and require their own specific growth medium. In addition, to guarantee consistency their growth…
Intensity distribution (arbitrary color coding) of an image of two points where the distance between them corresponds to the Rayleigh criterion.

Microscope Resolution: Concepts, Factors and Calculation

This article explains in simple terms microscope resolution concepts, like the Airy disc, Abbe diffraction limit, Rayleigh criterion, and full width half max (FWHM). It also discusses the history.
Image source: Adobe Stock

How to Sanitize a Microscope

Due to the current coronavirus pandemic, there are a lot of questions regarding decontamination methods of microscopes for safe usage. This informative article summarizes general decontamination…
Mammalian cell culure. Phase contrast and fluorescence image.

Introduction to Mammalian Cell Culture

Mammalian cell culture is one of the basic pillars of life sciences. Without the ability to grow cells in the lab, the fast progress in disciplines like cell biology, immunology, or cancer research…
A 17th-century compound microscope (© Golub Collection – University of California, Berkeley/Steven Ruzin, Curator)

A Brief History of Light Microscopy

The history of microscopy begins in the Middle Ages. As far back as the 11th century, plano-convex lenses made of polished beryl were used in the Arab world as reading stones to magnify manuscripts.…
Schematic of the focal point

Optical Microscopes – Some Basics

The optical microscope has been a standard tool in life science as well as material science for more than one and a half centuries now. To use this tool economically and effectively, it helps a lot to…

Campi di applicazione

Imaging di cellule vive

Spostando la prospettiva dai singoli componenti per microscopio a una soluzione completa, Leica Microsystems integra microscopio, software per l'imaging LAS X, fotocamere e componenti dedicati di…

Coltura cellulare

Crescere le cellule in laboratorio rappresenta la base per le attività scientifiche nei campi della biologia cellulare, ricerca sul cancro, biologia dello sviluppo e in diversi altri campi di ricerca…


L’oggetto della tua ricerca si concentra su infezioni e malattie virali? Scopri in che modo puoi approfondire l’aspetto virologico utilizzando le soluzioni di imaging e la preparazione del campione di…
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