


Two-color caspase assay with tile scan

Multi-Color Caspase 3/7 Assays with Mica

Caspases are involved in apoptosis and can be utilized to determine if cells are undergoing this programmed cell death pathway in so-called caspase assays. These assays can be run by e.g. flow…
Identification of distinct structures_roundworm_Ascaris_female

Find Relevant Specimen Details from Overviews

Switch from searching image by image to seeing the full overview of samples quickly and identifying the important specimen details instantly with confocal microscopy. Use that knowledge to set up…

How to Successfully Perform Live-Cell CLEM

The Leica Nano workflow provides a streamlined live-cell CLEM solution for getting insight bout structural changes of cellular components over time. Besides the technical handling described in the…
Leica LMD7

Consumables for Laser Microdissection

There are many different types of consumables for laser microdissection (LMD) systems. They cover a wide range of applications from basic to highly specialized, enabling scientists to choose their own…

Introduction to Ion Beam Etching with the EM TIC 3X

In this article you can learn how to optimize the preparation quality of your samples by using the ion beam etching method with the EM TIC 3X ion beam milling machine. A short introduction of the…

Principles of Multiphoton Microscopy for Deep Tissue Imaging

This tutorial explains the principles of multiphoton microscopy for deep tissue imaging. Multiphoton microscopy uses excitation wavelengths in the infrared taking advantage of the reduced scattering…
[Translate to japanese:] Ultramicrotomy; ARTOS 3D

Introduction to Ultramicrotomy

When studying samples, to visualize their fine structure with nanometer scale resolution, most often electron microscopy is used. There are 2 types: scanning electron microscopy (SEM) which images the…
3D glomeruli in a portion of an ECi-cleared kidney scanned by light sheet microscopy. Courtesy of Prof. Norbert Gretz, Medical Faculty Mannheim, University of Heidelberg [1].

Using Mounting Frames for Light Sheet Sample Preparation

Sample handling is an important topic in the context of Light Sheet Microscopy. The TCS SP8 DLS integrates Light Sheet technology into an inverted confocal platform and can hence make use of general…
Drosophila embryo observed from different sides. Images were acquired in the framework of the 2018 EMBO Lightsheet Course at MPI CBG in Dresden with expert support of Bruno Cossermelli Vellutini (MPI CBG), Pavel Tomancak (MPI CBG), and Emmanuel Reynaud (UCD).

Using a Rotation Device for Light Sheet Sample Mounting

The TCS SP8 DLS from Leica Microsystems is an innovative concept to integrate the Light Sheet Microscopy technology into the confocal microscope. Due to its unique optical architecture samples can be…
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