STELLARIS DLS Digital LightSheet 현미경

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연구 분야의 모델 유기체

모델 유기체는 연구자들이 특정한 생물학적 과정을 연구하기 위해 사용하는 종입니다. 이들은 인간과 유사한 유전적 특성을 가지고 있으며, 유전학, 발달생물학, 신경과학 같은 연구 분야에서 일반적으로 사용됩니다. 유기체 모델은 일반적으로 실험실 환경에서 쉬운 유지와 번식, 짧은 세대 주기 또는 특정 형질이나 질병을 연구하기 위한 돌연변이 생성 능력 때문에…
Spheroid stained with Cyan: Dapi nuclear countertain; Green AF488 Involucrin; Orange AF55 Phalloidin Actin; Magenta AF647 CK14.

Notable AI-based Solutions for Phenotypic Drug Screening

Learn about notable optical microscope solutions for phenotypic drug screening using 3D-cell culture, both planning and execution, from this free, on-demand webinar.

Confocal Imaging of Immune Cells in Tissue Samples

In this webinar, you will discover how to perform 10-color acquisition using a confocal microscope. The challenges of imaged-based approaches to identify skin immune cells. A new pipeline to assess…

Virtual Reality Showcase for STELLARIS Confocal Microscopy Platform

In this webinar, you will discover how to perform 10-color acquisition using a confocal microscope. The challenges of imaged-based approaches to identify skin immune cells. A new pipeline to assess…
Dual color volume rendering of Drp1 oligomers (green) and mito OM (red) in a live U2OS cell

Multicolor 4D Super Resolution Light Sheet Microscopy

The AI Microscopy Symposium offers a unique forum for discussing the latest AI-based technologies and tools in the field of microscopy and biomedical imaging. In this scientific presentation, Yuxuan…
3D-volume-rendered light-sheet microscope image of a spheroid showing depth coding in different colors.

Imaging of Anti-Cancer Drug Uptake in Spheroids using DLS

Spheroid 3D cell culture models mimic the physiology and functions of living tissues making them a useful tool to study tumor morphology and screen anti-cancer drugs. The drug AZD2014 is a recognized…

Understanding Motor Sequence Generation Across Spatiotemporal Scales

We have developed a microscopy-based pipeline to characterize a developmentally critical behavior at the pupal stage of development, called the ecdysis sequence. We study brain-wide neuronal activity…
Elucidate cancer development on sub-cellular level by in-vivo like tumor spheroid models.

Improve 3D Cell Biology Workflow with Light Sheet Microscopy

Understanding the sub-cellular mechanisms in carcinogenesis is of crucial importance for cancer treatment. Popular cellular models comprise cancer cells grown as monolayers. But this approach…
3D glomeruli in a portion of an ECi-cleared kidney scanned by light sheet microscopy. Courtesy of Prof. Norbert Gretz, Medical Faculty Mannheim, University of Heidelberg [1].

Using Mounting Frames for Light Sheet Sample Preparation

Sample handling is an important topic in the context of Light Sheet Microscopy. The TCS SP8 DLS integrates Light Sheet technology into an inverted confocal platform and can hence make use of general…
Drosophila embryo observed from different sides. Images were acquired in the framework of the 2018 EMBO Lightsheet Course at MPI CBG in Dresden with expert support of Bruno Cossermelli Vellutini (MPI CBG), Pavel Tomancak (MPI CBG), and Emmanuel Reynaud (UCD).

Using a Rotation Device for Light Sheet Sample Mounting

The TCS SP8 DLS from Leica Microsystems is an innovative concept to integrate the Light Sheet Microscopy technology into the confocal microscope. Due to its unique optical architecture samples can be…
Light sheet microscopy tilescan of zebrafish.

Using U-Shaped Glass Capillaries for Sample Mounting

The DLS microscope system from Leica Microsystems is an innovative concept which integrates the Light Sheet Microscopy technology into the confocal platform. Due to its unique optical architecture,…
Schematic graph of the light path in a Spalt-Ultramikroskop.

Confocal and Light Sheet Imaging

Optical imaging instrumentation can magnify tiny objects, zoom in on distant stars and reveal details that are invisible to the naked eye. But it notoriously suffers from an annoying problem: the…

적용 분야

오가노이드와 3D 세포 배양

최근 생명과학 연구에서 가장 흥미로운 발전 중 하나는 오가노이드, 스페로이드 또는 장기 칩 모델과 같은 3D 세포 배양 시스템의 개발입니다. 3D 세포 배양이란 세포가 3차원에서 성장하고 주변 환경과 상호작용할 수 있는 인위적인 환경입니다. 이러한 조건은 체내 상태와 유사합니다.
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