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Multicolor fixed STED image. Inner ear section, mouse, TauSTED Xtend 589 on AF488 and TauSTED Xtend 775 on AF633-Phalloidin. Sample courtesy of Dennis Derstrof, Klinik für Hals-, Nasen und Ohrenheilkunde, Universität Marburg & Prof. Dr. Dominik Oliver aus dem Institut für Physiologie und Pathophysiologie, Abteilung für Neurophysiologie, Universität Marburg.

Extended Live-cell Imaging at Nanoscale Resolution

Extended live-cell imaging with TauSTED Xtend. Combined spatial and lifetime information allow super-resolution microscopy at extremely low light dose.
Image of immunofluorescently labelled cells where mitochondria are indicated with red, nuclei with blue, and actin with green.

Studying Virus Replication with Fluorescence Microscopy

The results from research on SARS-CoV-2 virus replication kinetics, adaption capabilities, and cytopathology in Vero E6 cells, done with the help of fluorescence microscopy, are described in this…
Five-color FLIM-STED

Five-color FLIM-STED with One Depletion Laser

Webinar on five-color STED with a single depletion laser and fluorescence lifetime phasor separation.

A Versatile Palette of Fluorescent Probes

Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Medical Research in Heidelberg have developed a general strategy to synthesize live-cell compatible fluorogenic probes, and the result are the new MaP (Max…

Benefits of Combining STED and Lifetime

In this interview, Professor Alberto Diaspro talks about the advantages of the White Light Laser and the TauSTED capabilities of STELLARIS 8 STED. He speaks about his experience with the confocal…

Super-Resolution Microscopy Image Gallery

Due to the diffraction limit of light, traditional confocal microscopy cannot resolve structures below ~240 nm. Super-resolution microscopy techniques, such as STED, PALM or STORM or some…

Kinetochore Assembly during Mitosis with TauSTED on 3D

Three-dimensional organization of the mitotic spindle together with the distribution of CENP-C and BUB1 based on TauSTED with multiple STED lines (592, 660 and 775 nm) can provide insights…

Regulators of Actin Cytoskeletal Regulation and Cell Migration in Human NK Cells

Dr. Mace will describe new advances in our understanding of the regulation of human NK cell actin cytoskeletal remodeling in cell migration and immune synapse formation derived from confocal and…

LIGHTNING으로 시료에서 최대한의 정보를 얻으세요

LIGHTNING은 숨겨진 정보를 추출하는 조절 가능한 프로세스를 사용하여 미세한 구조와 세부 정보도 완전히 자동으로 표현해 냅니다. 전체 이미지에 포괄적인 파라미터 집합을 사용하는 기존 기술과 달리, LIGHTNING은 각 복셀에 적합한 파라미터 집합만을 계산하여 최고의 정확도로 모든 세부 정보를 파악합니다.

Universal PAINT – Dynamic Super-Resolution Microscopy

Super-resolution microscopy techniques have revolutionized biology for the last ten years. With their help cellular components can now be visualized at the size of a protein. Nevertheless, imaging…

Super-Resolution GSDIM Microscopy

The nanoscopic technique GSDIM (ground state depletion microscopy followed by individual molecule return) provides a detailed image of the spatial arrangement of proteins and other biomolecules within…

적용 분야

초고해상도 현미경법

초고해상도 현미경(Super-resolution microscopes)과 나노스코프(nanoscopes)는 빛의 회절 한계를 극복하고 연구자들이 표준 공초점 현미경(confocal microscope)으로 달성한 것보다 더 자세하게 세포 내 구조를 연구할 수 있도록 합니다. STED를 사용하여 30nm까지 분해능을 낮출 수있는 가능성과 세포 내 역학을 나노…

고급 현미경 기술

고급 현미경 기술에는 고해상도 및 초고해상도 이미징 기술이 모두 포함됩니다. 이러한 기술은 일반적으로 세포 또는 조직인 시료에 대해 가능한 한 부드럽게 생물학적 이벤트를 매우 높은 해상도로 시각화하는 데 주로 사용됩니다. 연구자들은 첨단 현미경 기술의 도움을 받아 생물학적 경로, 유전자 또는 단백질 발현, 질병 메커니즘 등에 중대한 영향을 미치는 생체…
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