정립 현미경
광학 현미경
Leica Microsystems
DM6 M LIBS 미세구조 조성 분석 솔루션
90% 시간 절약: 2-in-1 육안 및 화학 재료 검사 솔루션
Google Scholar에서 관련 문서 검색
Enhanced (X-band) microwave shielding properties of pure magnesium by addition of diamagnetic titanium micro-particulates
Pandey R, Tekumalla S, Gupta M
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
2019 vol: 770 pp: 473-482
Development of inclusion reference materials and simultaneous determination of metals and non-metallic inclusions by rapid LIBS analysis in steel samples, F. Boué-Bigne, M. Hoehne, V. Sturm, G. Müller, D. Menut, F. Ruby-Meyer, R. Forrest, European Union (EU) Publications Office