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Google Scholar에서 관련 문서 검색

Study on the structure of SF fiber mats electrospun with HFIP and FA and cells behavior
Zhang, Feng, Bao Q. Zuo, Lun Bai
Published in: Journal of Materials Science, 44 (20): 5682-5687

Evaluation of the diagnostic value of a Modified Liquid-Based Cytology
using OralCDx ® Brush in early detection of oral potentially malignant
lesions and oral cancer

Delavarian Z, Mohtasham N, Mosannen-Mozafari P, Pakfetrat A, Shakeri MT, Ghafoorian-Maddah R.
Published: Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2010 Sep 1;15(5):e671-6.

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