
Leica LMD6500 & LMD7000 고출력 레이저(High Laser Power)와 고반복율(High Repetition Rates)이 결합된 레이저 미세절제 시스템

교체된제품 M125 C & M205 C
Google Scholar에서 관련 문서 검색

Laser microdissection is used for a wide range of applications in neurobiology and immunology as well as in the developmental and cell biology of animal and plant organisms. The main areas of application are the research of cancer and other diseases, the search for genetic modifications, molecular pathology, molecular biological and biochemical studies. Laser Microdissection is widely used is several fields of science. Here you find the highlights of recent publications subdivided into DNA-Research, RNA-Research, Proteomics, Fluorescence, Cancer-Research, Neuroscience, Developmental Research & Aging, Plant Research, Forensics, Live Cell Culture and other application fields (Miscellaneous).

  • <link fileadmin downloads publications citations_for_leica_lmd_laser_microdissection.pdf citations for leica lmd laser>Download the complete list of LMD publications
  • <link fileadmin downloads publications dna-research_citation_for_laser_microdissection.pdf dna-research citation for laser>Download the complete list of DNA-Research publications
  • <link fileadmin downloads publications rna-research_citation_for_laser_microdissection.pdf rna-research citation for laser>Download the complete list of RNA-Research publications
  • <link fileadmin downloads publications proteomics_citation_for_laser_microdissection.pdf proteomics citation for laser>Download the complete list of Proteomics publications
  • <link fileadmin downloads publications cancer_research_citation_for_laser_microdissection.pdf cancer research citation for laser>Download the complete list of Cancer-Research publications
  • <link fileadmin downloads publications neurosciences_citation_for_laser_microdissection.pdf neurosciences citation for laser>Download the complete list of Neurosciences publications
  • Download the complete list of Clinical publications
  • <link fileadmin downloads publications developmental_research_citation_for_laser_microdissection.pdf developmental research citation for laser>Download the complete list of Developmental Research publications
  • <link fileadmin downloads publications plant_research_citation_for_laser_microdissection.pdf plant research citation for laser>Download the complete list of Plant Research publications
  • <link fileadmin downloads publications forensics_citation_for_laser_microdissection.pdf forensics citation for laser>Download the complete list of Forensics publications
  • Download the complete list of Live Cell Culture publications
  • <link fileadmin downloads publications miscellaneous_citation_for_laser_microdissection.pdf miscellaneous citation for laser>Download the complete list of Miscellaneous publications
  • Links to current papers in the major application fields for laser microdissection you find in our publication list in Leica Science Lab.
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