Leica TCS SP8 STED STED Nanoscopes

The world’s true nature at the nanoscale

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Nanoscopy has revolutionized the study of subcellular architecture and dynamics and is on its way to becoming the new gold standard in fluorescence imaging (Nobel Prize for Chemistry 2014). The fully integrated STED (STimulated Emission Depletion) systems Leica TCS SP8 STED 3X and Leica TCS SP8 STED ONE meet the requirements of daily research and provide fast, intuitive, and purely optical access to structural details far beyond the diffraction limit. Resolution becomes tunable in x, y and z. Don't let diffraction blur your biology.

Multicolor nanoscopy: 3 STED + 1 confocal channel. STED: Vimentin-Alexa 647 (red), alpha-tubulin-Alexa 594 (green), F-actin-Alexa 488 (cyan). Confocal: DNA-DAPI (blue). Courtesy of Eugene Katrukha, Utrecht University, The Netherlands.
STED nanoscopy in all 3 dimensions
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