Leica LMD6500 & LMD7000 Laser Microdissection Systems

Archived Product
Replaced by M125 C & M205 C

The Leica Laser Microdissection System LMD6500

The LMD6500 is the classic solution for fast, reliable, contact- and contamination-free extraction of desired microscopic samples.

The Leica Laser Microdissection System LMD7000

The Leica LMD7000 has the most powerful and ajustable laser for microdissection of all kinds of tissue and in addition to all options of the LMD6500 the LMD7000 is also able to easily cut hard plant material up to wood of several 100 µm.

Dedicated dry objectives for laser microdissection (5x – 150x)

Example: Laser Microdissection of a mouse aorta.

Frozen section (10 μm) of a mouse aorta (whole vessel) before (A) and after (B) Laser Microdissection stained with cresyl violet on a POL frame slide. Cap inspection allows identification of the dissected section in collector (C). Courtesy of K. Beuerlein, Rudolf-Buchheim-Institut fur Pharmakologie,…

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