SR GSD 3D 3D Localization Microscope

The Evolution of Resolution

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Visualizing the precise 3D localization of molecules and structures is crucial for a better understanding of cellular processes. The Leica SR GSD 3D widefield fluorescence microscope based on GSD (Ground State Depletion) or dSTORM (Direct STochastical Optical Reconstruction Microscopy) technology offers not only 2D, but also 3D super-resolution imaging – with the highest precision, reproducibility and maximum possible resolution in widefield microscopy so far. The Leica SR GSD 3D is based on a fully automated TIRF system. As a multi-functional system, it gives researchers the freedom to tailor the system exactly to their applications in live cell or advanced fluorescence imaging.

3D reconstruction of a corner of a human endothelial cell (Huvec), stained for Vimentin with Alexa 647 Ab. Medium: gloxy-like buffer. Courtesy of K. Jalink and L. Nahidi Azar, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Super-Resolution System for 3D Localization Microscopy
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