Get a clearer picture with THUNDER and spinning disk

Extract more convincing high-quality data from 3D samples by applying THUNDER to your spinning disk confocal images.

While spinning disk alone provides powerful optical sectioning, applying THUNDER eliminates residual out-of-focus light for greater contrast and resolution, unlocking even more details.

200 µm thick Planaria (flat worm) stained with DAPI (cyan) and mRNA FISH staining (magenta). Sample courtesy of Shuchang Hu, Developmental Biology Unit, Hanh Vu’s Group, European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), Heidelberg. Germany.
200 µm thick Planaria (flat worm) stained with DAPI (cyan) and mRNA FISH staining (magenta). Sample courtesy of Shuchang Hu, Developmental Biology Unit, Hanh Vu’s Group, European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), Heidelberg. Germany.

Extract more data from 3D samples in less time

Fast, versatile, confocal imaging

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Imaging diverse and challenging 3D samples

Get more statistically significant data from challenging 3D samples in less time with high-throughput spinning disk confocal. Image a wide variety of sample types with reduced phototoxicity - all in a simple-to-use and versatile platform. 

Image samples such as

  • Live cells
  • 3D cell cultures
  • Organoids and spheroids
  • Model organisms
  • Thick tissue samples

1 Rat Brain

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Composite image of rat brain stained with Hoechst (red), CPCA (cyan), Fox3/Neun and RPCA (magenta). Image acquired using the THUNDER Imager Cell Spinning Disk with a 40x plan apo objective over 30 individual fields of view. Sample courtesy of EnCor Bioimaging inc.

2 Zebrafish

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Zebrafish (Danio rerio) stained for blood vessels (cyan) and blood cells (magenta). Acquired using PL APO 20x /0.75 CS2 on the THUNDER Imager Cell Spinning Disk using LVCC. Sample courtesy of Prof. Dr. Christian Helker, Developmental Genetics and Animal Cell Biology Group, University of Marburg, Germany.

3 Live Cells

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Live U2OS cells stained for WGA (green), TMRE (magenta) and tubulin (cyan) and imaged over 12 hours using the THUNDER Imager Cell Spinning Disk.

Enhance imaging efficiency with intelligent navigation technology

Quickly bring your fragile samples into focus, reducing the time to obtain meaningful results and preserving sample integrity.

Spinning disk systems are commonly used to image large sensitive samples, which can be hard to navigate. Now you can create a rapid, in-focus, overview image of your entire sample with Sample Finder. This powerful feature allows you to pinpoint key regions of interest while preserving the spatial context of your data.

Sample Finder functionality allows you to put your data into spatial context.

Adaptive Immersion: No compromise

For many spinning disk applications, imaging samples in aqueous media is essential. For the clearest image quality, water immersion objectives are ideal as they minimize optical aberrations. However, using water objectives often proves impractical due to evaporation challenges. 

Now you never have to compromise on your choice of objective because our Adaptive Immersion cap, with its embedded sensor, continuously monitors and maintains immersion throughout your experiments.

Adaptive Immersion technology enables users to transition between air and water immersion objectives at the click of a button. Video also shows a comparison between THUNDERed spinning disk images of a spheroid embedded in agarose captured using a 63x 1.2 water immersion objective and a 63x 1.4 oil immersion objective.

More convincing data with SmartCORR

Get stunning, reproducible results with 3D samples every time. Harness the ease and precision of SmartCORR to automatically optimize your objective correction collar to perfectly match your sample, dramatically reducing sample-dependent spherical aberrations and improving image quality. Say goodbye to human error in your data as well as the tedious task of fine-tuning settings.

Get the ultimate live cell imaging system by combining Sample Finder, THUNDER, Adaptive Immersion and SmartCORR with your spinning disk system.

Video shows the impact of using SmartCORR to adjust the correction collar, minimizing the impact of spherical aberration on a spinning disk image of a spheroid.
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