M125 C & M205 C Encoded stereo microscopes

Total recall of your settings

M125 C

Show answer I want to integrate the Microscope in my own software, is this possible?

There is a SDK available. Please contact your local sales rep for more info.

Show answer Can I mount a SLR/DSLR camera to a Leica microscope?

We offer several adapter an video tubes that will adapt a “c-mount” to a standard T2 threaded adapter. However, as there are so many different manufactures on the market, you will need to find the T2-adapter specific to your camera from a local supplier. Please contact your local sales specialist to find out more.

Show answer Can I use the Leica M125C, M165C, M205C or the M205A with autofocus and tile scan?

Yes, our coded stereos can be mounted on motor focus columns. Leica offers different scanning stages for stereos. LAS X software can provide autofocus and tile scanning. Since the zooms of Leica M125C, M165C, M205C or the M205A are encoded it will always make the right step size in x/y/z.

Show answer Do I need a computer to operate a Leica M125C, M165C, M205C or the M205A?

No PC is required to operate a Leica stereo microscope, even with the advanced M205 A. All motorized functions are usable without PC, but require other control devices such as hand wheels, Smarttouch or footswitches to control motorized features.  However, in order to get the most out of your coded microscope, one can benefit with Leica software for documentation, measurements and generating reports.

Show answer Can I use two cameras on the Leica M125C, M165C, M205C or the M205A ?

Yes. We have made a camera attachment that can be used on all M-series stereos in combination with a photo tube. This allows the mounting of one camera on the right optical path and one on the left. Leica Application Suite (LAS X) supports two cameras, various c-mounts and different calibrations for two cameras. Simultaneous acquisition however, is not supported.

Show answer What are FusionOptics?

In short, FusionOptics is an ingenious way to give you the best of both imaging worlds.  The right optical path of the microscope delivers an image with the highest possible resolution, while the left channel provides an image with maximum depth of field.  Now the ingenious part, the human brain does the rest: it creates a three-dimensional image combing the best information from both channels.  With FusionOptics you can visualize the finest details of your specimen.

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