Leica M205 FCA & Leica M205 FA Fluorescence stereo microscopes

Capture bright images – fast!

M205 FCA

Show answer I want to integrate the Microscope in my own software?

There is a SDK available. Please contact your local sales rep for more info.

Show answer Can I mount a non-Leica microscope camera?

We offer adapters to most cameras. Some 3rd party cameras are supported in the Leica LAS X software. Please contact your local sales specialist to find out more.

Show answer Which camera is recommended with the M205 FA / M205 FCA?

At the moment Leica offers more than ten different microscope cameras that are compatible with the M205 FA and FCA. Cameras may be optimized for sensitivity, resolution, speed, standalone use, or color reproduction. Please contact your local sales specialist to find the perfect solution for your needs. Alternatively, you can browse our camera pages.

Show answer Can I operate a M205 FA / M205 FCA without computer?

Certainly, yes. No PC is required to operate a stereo, even a M205 FA or M205 FCA. Even motorized functions are usable without PC. We offer hand wheels, Smarttouch or footswitches, and the fluorescence turret can be moved by hand or motorized.

Show answer Can I use a sCMOS camera on a M205 FA / M205 FCA?

Yes, there is a special camera adapter for vignetting-free imaging.

Show answer Can I use footswitches to control the M205 FA / M205 FCA?

Up to five footswitches can be attached to a stereo. Every footswitch can be programmed to do specific tasks. So footswitches can be used to control focus, filter turret, illumination settings, even toggle between stored settings or acquire a photo. On the M205 FA, you can also control the zoom, the FIM and the shutter with footswitches.

Show answer Can I use the M205 FA / M205 FCA with autofocus and tile scan?

Yes, both stereos can be mounted on motor focus columns. Leica offers different scanning stages for stereos. LAS X software can provide autofocus and tile scanning. Since the zoom of M205 FA / M205 FCA is encoded it will always make the right step size in x/y/z.

Show answer The Fluocombi III has only one dichroic. Can I do multicolor imaging with it?

Yes, simply use a multiband dichroic. The fluorescence signal is as specific as your filter set in the stereo turret.

Show answer Can I use the M205 FA / M205 FCA with a Fluocombi III?

Yes. With a Fluocombi the stereo can be converted into a high resolution macroscope with NA up to 0.5 at 19 mm working distance. And all as easy as turning an objective revolver.

Show answer FusionOptics have higher resolution on the right side. Where does it make sense to use a camera on the left channel?

The left channel has slightly lower lateral resolution in high magnifications. The positive effect is that it is optimized for more depth of field. This makes especially sense in combination with color cameras.

Show answer Can I use two cameras on the M205 FA / M205 FCA?

Yes. We have made a camera attachment that can be used on all M-series stereos in combination with a photo tube. This allows the mounting of e.g. one camera on the right channel and one on the left channel. Leica Application Suite (LAS X) supports two cameras and even different c-mounts and different calibrations for two cameras. Simultaneous acquisition is not supported.

Show answer Why does the M205 FCA have a manual shutter?

Most lamps today offer integrated, fast shutters. For imaging it makes sense to take advantage of those.

Show answer For which applications would a researcher use the M205 FA and the M205 FCA respectively?

For tasks where one needs to identify samples with faint signals and do imaging as well, the M205 FCA is recommended. It offers best image quality and fast screening in one system. For work in a sterile cabin, the M205 FA can be the more suitable option as it is fully motorized, thus enabling remote control.

Show answer What is the difference between a Leica M205 FA and M205 FCA?

In the M205 FCA we have exchanged some motorized functions with manual but coded controls. In particular, the zoom and the iris are manual now. The Fluorescence Intensity manager and the display are available only in the M205 FA. The M205 FA has a built-in automated shutter, the M205 FCA has a manual shutter since most lamps offer automated shuttering today. This means the M205 FCA is a lighter instrument optimized for faster zooming and faster manual workflows. The M205 FA is fully automated and offers more options for imaging.

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