K5C The Color CMOS Camera

The powerful, focused research choice

Technical Specifications

Sensor type CMOS
Senosr size (diagonal). 15.86 mm
Sensor format 5472 px x 3648 px, 20 MP
Pixel dimensions 2.4 μm x 2.4 μm
Shutter mode Rolling
Data interface USB 3
Mechanical interface C-mount: 1.0x (10 450 829) stereo microscope; 1.0x (11 541 510) light microscope
Exposure range 1 ms - 10 s
Frames per second 7 fps (full frame), 19 fps (2x2 binned), 32 fps (3x3 binned)
Sensor cooling Passive
Dark noise 4 e- (median)
Full well capacity 15000 e-
Dynamic Range up to 71 dB
Bit depth / Colour depth 3 x 8 bit, 3 x 12 bit
Binning options 2x2 and 3x3
Optical filter Removable UV/NIR filter
Operating system Windows with LAS X application
Power consumption 3.5 W while free running at 15 fps
Operation temperature 5 °C - 40 °C

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