DFC3000 G CCD Microscope Camera

The lab necessity

Archived Product
Replaced by K3C & K3M

Tile scan of cultured cortical neuronal cells (mouse)

Blue, DAP I, nuclei; green, anti-Nestin-Cy2, Astrocytes; red, beta-III-tubulin-Cy5, mature neurons; purple, NG2-Cy3, immature neurons. Image acquisition was performed using a Leica DFC3000 G digital camera acquiring 7x6 tiles and afterward stitched together using the software Leica Application Suite…

Higher magnification of cultured cortical neuronal cells (mouse)

Stained as above.

Affordable fluorescence systems

Leica DFC3000 G fits perfectly on all widefield and stereo microscopes. With a standard c-mount thread the camera easily connects to virtually any stand.

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