DFC450 C Digital 5 Megapixel Color Microscope Camera with Active Cooling System

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Leica DFC450 C attached to a Leica DM4000 M compound microscope with Leica Application Suite software

Annotating the Image

Add further information to a captured image in LAS. Show a scale bar, add a name or a short description of the sample, date and time and any other relevant information as an overlay on the image or merge into the captured image.

Dual Image Viewer

Conveniently divides the screen to either display and compare two stored images or to show a live image and a previously acquired image at the same time.

Browsing and Viewing Images

This video demonstrates how to browse images stored with the LAS software and introduces you to the different image viewing possibilities.

Adjusting a Leica DFC Camera

This video explains how to optimize the settings of a Leica DFC camera. Use the simple and easy auto exposure, white balance and brightness adjustments to quickly fine tune the image details.

Quality control of a semiconductor sample

Inspection of small metal and other dirt particles with Leica LAS CleanlinessExpert

Leica DFC425 C attached to a Leica M205 C on a transmitted light base RCi with Leica LED5000 MCI illumination

Leica DFC450 C attached to a Leica MZ16 A on on a universal base plate XL and motorfocus column with SmartTouch control

Acquiring High Dynamic Range Images

This video shows how to capture excellent pictures with samples show under or over exposure. Select the HDR mode to get these demanding samples to reveal more details in a single image.

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