LMD Software Laser Microdissection

Leica LMD Software V7.6 release

We are happy to release our new Leica LMD software V7.6 introducing a new definition of rapid dissection: the Shadow Cut mode (patent pending). 

Leicas unique "Move and Cut" mode

Only the Leica LMD systems use a guided laser focus to dissect areas of interest. This features allows to directly apply the laser without drawing shapes prior the dissection laser is applied.

(objective: 40x; contrast BF; specimen: mouse brain)

Single cell dissection with "Move and Cut"

The "Move and Cut" mode can be used to directly dissect individual cells or to recover not completely dissected areas for collection. This movie shows a direct single cell collection with the 150x objective which was designed for LMD applications (single cell, chromosome, sperm or bacteria…

Single cell dissection and cap inspection

Single cells can be dissected and visualized in the collector after successful LMD application.

(objective: 63x; contrast BF; specimen: mouse brain)

LMD application directly in the fluorescence mode

LMD application can be done in combination with LMD optimized filter systems. Like in Brightfield the laser can be applied directly with "Move and Cut" or a shape for dissection can be defined. Of course a cap inspection in fluorescence allows you to visualize your dissectate in the collection…

The new Point-to-Point tool breaks barriers

The new point to point tool allows to define shapes for dissection which exceed the field of view and keeping the marked area displayed. The tool is extremely powerful for collection of big tumor areas, substructures like whole Hippocampus tissue or plant material. The visualization in high…

Create an overview of a dedicated area

Beside the "Fast Specimen Overview" function (see below) the Leica LMD system allows a dedicated overview as well. The specimen overviews are helpful for orientation on your sample and find targets faster.

(objective: 5x; contrast: BF; specimen: mouse brain)

Specimen Overviews as a navigation tool

The specimen overviews created within the LMD software can be used for better orientation and direct navigation over the sample including stage guidance and magnification change.

(objective: 5x, 20x; contrast: BF; specimen: mouse brain)

Pattern recognition Software AVC for Leica LMD systems

The specimen overviews created within the LMD software can be used for better orientation and direct navigation over the sample including stage guidance and magnification change.

(objective: 5x, 20x; contrast: BF; specimen: mouse brain)

Cutting of Samples

Leica Laser Microdissection Systems (LMD6000, LMD6500 and LMD7000) enable the user to easily mark regions of interest for dissection. This video presents the easy-to-use Leica LMD Software (Version 7.3) for marking single cells with the free hand tool, predefined ellipses, circles or rectangles and…

Inspecting the Collection Device

Leica Laser Microdissection Systems are based on an upright microscope. Dissectates fall simply by gravity into a collection device. This video presents the cap inspection, which allows to visualize the dissectate in the collection device – in this case: a 0.5 ml PCR tube.

(objective: 40x and 20x;…

Creating a Fast Specimen Overview

Leica Laser Microdissection Systems offer within the core software a smart and fast specimen overview for better orientation and navigation through the specimen.  This video presents the creation of a fast specimen overview of a whole slide. The specimen overview is displayed in a separate window as…

Creating a Defined Region Overview

Leica Laser Microdissection Systems offer within the core software the opportunity to create an overview of a region of interest.  This video presents the creation of such an overview and how to store the overview as an image file.

(objective: 10x; contrast: BF; specimen: rat embryo)

Laser Calibration

Leica Laser Microdissection Systems offer the unique and patented laser movement by optics. The laser can be (re-)aligned easily if needed. This video presents the comfortable and time saving procedure for a LMD laser calibration.

(objective: 10x; contrast: BF)

Laser Adjustment

Leica Laser Microdissection Systems are equipped with a high power and very flexible solid-state UV-laser. This video shows the adjustment of an LMD7000 laser to a specimen: First the laser is reset to the factory settings, afterwards the sliders for laser Power, the patented laser Aperture, Speed,…

Cutting and Recovering

Leica Laser Microdissection Systems offer the unique and patented laser movement by optics. The laser movement by optics allows direct laser application to a sample simply by a mouse click or directly on a touch screen with a pen. This video presents the possibility to use the laser live in real…

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