
U2OS cells stained with MitoTracker green (Mitochondria structure, cyan) and TMRE (active mitochondria, magenta). Sequential acquisition of the two channels over 2 minutes 100 frames using the 63x/1.20 CS2 Water MotCORR objective.

Spheroid Growth over 2.5 days

Formation of 3D spheroids from 1000 stably transfected MDCK MX1-GFP cells per well (upper row) and 1000 U2OS cells per well (lower row). Time-lapse acquisition over 60 hrs with 30 minutes interval. Green, GFP. Black and white, integrated modulation contrast.

Formation of 3D spheroids from 1000 stably transfected MDCK MX1-GFP cells per well (left half) and 1000 U2OS cells per well (right half) shown at 5 different timepoints. Time -lapse acquisition over 60 hrs. with 30 minutes interval. Green, GFP. Gray, integrated modulation contrast.

Mount sample

Mount sample

Position sample

Position sample

Define illumination 1

Start Live Acquisition

Define illumination 2

Define positions

Define illumination 3


Define illumination 4

Choose images

Define detector gain

Run segmentation

Define pinhole

Run analysis

Define scanning mode

Define dwell time

Define offset

Define line step

Define averaging mode

Define averaging method

Define averaging number


Process data

Choose images

Define thresholds

Define separators

Run segmentation

Run analysis

Extract information

Create figures

Tissue slice from the rat brain. Nuclei are stained with DAPI (blue), STL with FITC (green), astrocytes (GFAP) with Cy3 (yellow), and newborn neurons (NeuN) with Cy5 (red). 10x widefield tile scan, all 4 labels aquired simultaneously.

U2OS cells stained with MitoTracker green (Mitochondria structure, cyan) and TMRE (active mitochondria, magenta). Simultaneous acquisition of the two channels over 2 minutes 100 frames using the 63x/1.20 CS2 Water MotCORR objective.

Sequential acquisition with a conventional microscope

Simultaneous acquisition with Mica

U2OS cells stained with MitoTracker green (Mitochondria structure, cyan) and TMRE (active mitochondria, magenta). Simultaneous acquisition of the two channels over 2 minutes 100 frames using the 63x/1.20 CS2 Water MotCORR objective.

3D Cell Culture, 7d spheroid formation of U343 cells. tfLC3 EGFP and mRFP + DAPI + WGA Alexa680. Objective: 20x/0.75 CS2 DRY

1.6x Widefield
10x Widefield
20x Widefield
63x Confocal

Intestine tissue section acquired with different objectives ranging from low to high magnification (1.6x, 10x, 20x, 63x), using widefield and confocal imaging. 20x widefield images are processed with THUNDER and 63x confocal images with LIGHTNING. Nuclei are labeled in blue, mitochondria in green, and detyrosinated tubulin in red.

U2OS cells were labelled with SiR-Actin, TMRE (mitochondria activity), CellEvent™ (caspase activity), and DAPI (nuclei). Apoptosis inducer staurosporine was added at time-point 0. 63x magnification, widefield mode. 13 hours time-lapse.

What if every scientist could access spatial information?

Step into the Microhub era

Meet Mica
The world’s first Microhub

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  • Access for all
  • No constraints
  • Radically simplified workflows

Step into the era of Access for all

Everyone can now leverage microscopy to make more discoveries

Eliminate over 85% of tedious setup steps that require special expertise

Tissue slice from the rat brain. Nuclei are stained with DAPI (blue), STL with FITC (green), astrocytes (GFAP) with Cy3 (yellow), and newborn neurons (NeuN) with Cy5 (red). 10x widefield tile scan, all 4 labels aquired simultaneously.

85% fewer steps to the first image

1/3 less time to the first image

1/2 of the training time

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Intelligent automation

Intelligent imaging

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Intelligent automation

All opto-digital components are fully motorized and intelligently automized. A single button remains on The Microhub – the open button. Everything else is swiftly woven into the workflow of the software.

Intelligent imaging

With one touch of the OneTouch, all settings are automatically optimized to match the applicative demands and the current sample. Pick from a scale of “Sample protection” to “Image quality” and all illumination and detection parameters are readily adjusted accordingly.

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Step into the era of No constraints

The Microhub: everything you need to enable discoveries, unified in one easy-to-use system

4x more data with

100% correlation

Access key contextual information with absolute spatiotemporal correlation

U2OS cells stained with MitoTracker green (Mitochondria structure, cyan) and TMRE (active mitochondria, magenta). Sequential acquisition of the two channels over 2 minutes 100 frames using the 63x/1.20 CS2 Water MotCORR objective.

Sequential acquisition with a conventional microscope

U2OS cells stained with MitoTracker green (Mitochondria structure, cyan) and TMRE (active mitochondria, magenta). Simultaneous acquisition of the two channels over 2 minutes 100 frames using the 63x/1.20 CS2 Water MotCORR objective.

Simultaneous acquisition with Mica

Mica delivers absolute correlated labels without spatiotemporal mismatch

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4 labels simultaneously

4 labels 100% correlated

Patented FluoSync technology

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4 labels simultaneously

Capture all 4 labels of different structures in a single acquisition for both widefield and confocal. Simultaneous acquisition of multiple labels boosts the speed of acquisition by up to 4 times and ensures 100% spatiotemporal resolution.

4 labels 100% correlated

Capture all 4 labels simultaneously in a single acquisition for both widefield and confocal. This overcomes the spatiotemporal mismatch between labels of moving objects during sequential acquisition – the data is now 100% correlated!

Patented FluoSync technology

FluoSync is a new way to do spectral unmixing that enables simultaneous imaging on the fly. It allows to detect up to 4 different labels with true dye separation and no spatiotemporal mismatch.

FluoSync uniquely combines dedicated hardware and new hybrid unmixing.

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Select the right modality in real-time

3D Cell Culture, 7d spheroid formation of U343 cells. tfLC3 EGFP and mRFP + DAPI + WGA Alexa680. Objective: 20x/0.75 CS2 DRY

Seamlessly move from fast overview to high resolution when required by your experiment

Intestine tissue section acquired with different objectives ranging from low to high magnification (1.6x, 10x, 20x, 63x), using widefield and confocal imaging. 20x widefield images are processed with THUNDER and 63x confocal images with LIGHTNING. Nuclei are labeled in blue, mitochondria in green, and detyrosinated tubulin in red.

Create Overview

Find the sample structure on the carrier and observe the overall morphology of the colon slice. Identify a region of interest for more detailed inspection.

Get more details of a substructure

Switching to the next higher magnification allows to assess the integrity of the tissue and locate areas suitable for further analysis.

Select the cell of interest

Start to see the higher details and select the single cell to get subcellular information. However, some details remain hidden in the haze.

Select the cell of interest

THUNDER is the method of choice to get more contrast and see more details. This enables you to make the right selection and step further into the details of the sample.

Get the subcellular information

Switch from Widefield to Confocal mode with just a simple click to get more subcellular information.

Get even more of the subcellular information

Adding LIGHTNING gives access to higher details of the subcellular structures seamlessly integrated into the whole workflow from fast overview to high resolution.

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Unified imaging modalities

Point scanning confocal

Mica is an incubator

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Unified imaging modalities

Mica unifies transmitted and fluorescence light imaging modalities such as IMC, THUNDER and LIGHTNING in one Microhub – for both fixated and living specimens.

Point scanning confocal

Obtain highest resolution in all 3 dimensions with point scanning confocal including optical sectioning. The pinhole physically blocks out-of-focus light yielding the best axial resolution and is particularly suitable for 3D imaging of thick samples.

Mica is an incubator

The entire encapsulated inner sample space can be climate controlled (temperature, CO2 and humidity regulation) and offers ideal conditions for short and long-term live cell observation.

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Formation of 3D spheroids from 1000 stably transfected MDCK MX1-GFP cells per well (upper row) and 1000 U2OS cells per well (lower row). Time-lapse acquisition over 60 hrs with 30 minutes interval. Green, GFP. Black and white, integrated modulation contrast.

Achieve physiological-like conditions throughout your experiment

Formation of 3D spheroids from 1000 stably transfected MDCK MX1-GFP cells per well (left half) and 1000 U2OS cells per well (right half) shown at 5 different timepoints. Time -lapse acquisition over 60 hrs. with 30 minutes interval. Green, GFP. Gray, integrated modulation contrast.

Mica is an incubator to maintain your sample in optimal conditions and to minimize evaporation

Step into the era of Radically simplified 

Bringing you faster from sample to discovery

Reduce over 60% of process steps through system intelligence

Conventional microscopes

With conventional microscopes, you need to define various steps, from sample to analysis, that you need to run when you set up an experiment.

Mica automation

With Mica, you can reduce time and effort by radically simplifying your workflow into as few as 8 steps from sample to insight through system intelligence.

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Sample Finder


AI-based analysis

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Sample Finder

Mica's Sample Finder quickly and automatically generates an in-focus overview of the relevant areas. Locating and bringing the sample in focus manually is now a thing of the past.


With one touch of the OneTouch, all settings are automatically optimized to match the applicative demands and the current sample. Pick from a scale of “Sample protection” to “Image quality” and all illumination and detection parameters are readily adjusted accordingly.

AI-based analysis

With artificial intelligence Mica recognizes objects in the images and enables any researcher to move efficiently, accurately, and confidently from imaging to analysis and beautifully visualized results. No imaging processing skills required.

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Reduce time and effort from sample to insight by simplifying your entire workflow

AI based training of mitochondrial segmentation using your scientific expertise

U2OS cells were labelled with SiR-Actin, TMRE (mitochondria activity), CellEvent™ (caspase activity), and DAPI (nuclei). Apoptosis inducer staurosporine was added at time-point 0. 63x magnification, widefield mode. 13 hours time-lapse.

Enable 100% reproducibility and repeatability throughout your experiment

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Pixel classifier

GUI operated annotations

Reusable AI models and projects parameters

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Pixel classifier

Easily train Mica to recognize objects in images without image processing skills. Simply by drawing examples on the image the pixel classifier learns to reproduce the input and segments all objects in the images. 

GUI operated annotations

Train the artificial intelligence with simple-to-use drawing tools right on the image within the Mica GUI.

Reusable AI models and projects parameters

Increased reproducibility and repeatability by reusing the same acquisition settings withing projects by default. Reusing AI models ensures consistency and unbiased analysis across projects and users.

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Meet Mica

The Microhub era is now! Experience the future.

Meet Mica in key applications

Fluorescence multi-well plate Assay

Mica allows you to image 4 labels simultaneously, with 100% spatiotemporal correlation. This key application shows how Mica is used with fluorescent multi-well plate assays around Caspase 3/7 activations in apoptosis.

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U2OS cells were labelled with SiR-Actin, TMRE (mitochondria activity), CellEvent™ (caspase activity), and DAPI (nuclei). Apoptosis inducer staurosporine (3µM) was added at time-point 0. 63x magnification, widefield mode. 13 hours time-lapse.

3D Tissue Imaging

Mica enables you to seamlessly move from fast overview to high resolution when required by your experiment. See how Mica allows you identify a detyrosynated tubulin positive cell and progress from overview to the segmentation of the tubulin network.

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Intestine tissue section acquired with 20x and 63x magnification, using widefield and confocal imaging. 20x widefield images are processed with THUNDER and 63x confocal images with LIGHTNING. Nuclei are labeled in blue, mitochondria in green, and detyrosynated tubulin in red.

Long-term Time lapse

Mica is an incubator to maintain your sample in physiological-like conditions and to minimize evaporation. Discover how Mica allows you to measure spheroids growth and to analyze protein expression levels.

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Formation of 3D spheroids from 1000 stably transfected MDCK MX1-GFP cells per well and 1000 U2OS cells per well shown at 5 different timepoints. Time-lapse acquisition over 60 hrs. with 30 minutes interval. Green, GFP. Gray, integrated modulation contrast.

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